A list of 68 words by pterodactyl.
- sou'westerwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- nor'easterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 19 lists
- easterwas added by yarb and appears on 11 lists
- alabasterwas added by mollusque and appears on 148 lists
- brewsterwas added by mollusque and appears on 2 lists
- oysterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 70 lists
- throwsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 5 lists
- maltsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 10 lists
- zosterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 10 lists
- rosterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 25 lists
- spinsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 44 lists
- punsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 14 lists
- minsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 9 lists
- slicksterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- pranksterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 16 lists
- tricksterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 32 lists
- meisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 10 lists
- leisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 15 lists
- klisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- sisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 60 lists
- songsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 11 lists
- gangsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 31 lists
- dragsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 7 lists
- polyesterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 23 lists
- keisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 26 lists
- jokesterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 10 lists
- gamesterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 14 lists
- speedsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 8 lists
- oldsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 10 lists
- youngsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 15 lists
- fraudsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- mobsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 15 lists
- lobsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 52 lists
- ulsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 18 lists
- pollsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 8 lists
- holsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 30 lists
- quipsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 15 lists
- hoopsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 4 lists
- hipsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 49 lists
- dumpsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- seamsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 6 lists
- scamsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 2 lists
- lamsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- shysterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 64 lists
- hucksterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 39 lists
- coasterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 22 lists
- clysterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 26 lists
- clusterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 60 lists
- cloisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 95 lists
- choristerwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- casterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 11 lists
- registerwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 49 lists
- canisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- roadsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 12 lists
- blusterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 69 lists
- blisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 31 lists
- bisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 14 lists
- semesterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 18 lists
- plasterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 30 lists
- monsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 64 lists
- barristerwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 29 lists
- banisterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 20 lists
- balusterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 29 lists
- misterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- masterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 60 lists
- asterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 33 lists
- filibusterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 130 lists
- hamsterwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 19 lists
yarb commented on the list steroids
I keep adding words here and then deleting them because they're not nouns or they're occupations with the -er suffix. Frustrating!
May 21, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list steroids
*laughs* Yes, the rules do make it difficult, but I had to stipulate them, or else the list would be hundreds and hundreds of words long. :-)
May 21, 2008
yarb commented on the list steroids
The nouns-only rule is draconian though, if only because it prohibits the superlative roister. Perhaps you could amend the rule to stipulate "nouns only, with the exception of roister"?
May 21, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list steroids
How about a new list, instead? Something like "Verbs that end in 'ster'"?
If you'll get it started, yarb, I'll help populate it!
May 22, 2008
mollusque commented on the list steroids
What's wrong with a list hundreds of words long? And how is it that rooster is roosting here?
May 22, 2008
yarb commented on the list steroids
Good point Mollusque. Where there's a rooster, there ought to be a jester too.
I'm not keen on the verbster list, but I will custom-build a list around roister.
May 22, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list steroids
Hmm. You make good points, mollusque and yarb, but I'm not sure that the "er" in rooster is actually a suffix. Is a rooster "one that roosts"?
I'll have to check the etymology.
May 22, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list steroids
I checked the etymology, and you're absolutely right. Rooster does indeed come from "roost" and "er".
Off the list it goes!
May 22, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list steroids
I'm pretty fond of verbster, I have to say, yarb. I think a verbster list would get me all het up.
May 22, 2008
yarb commented on the list steroids
You best be getting a-roistering then, ms bear.
May 22, 2008
ruzuzu commented on the list steroids
And this one!
May 19, 2011