A list of 51 words by jennarenn.
- umbragewas added by jennarenn and appears on 246 lists
- turn for the betterwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- anything off anyonewas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- vacationwas added by jennarenn and appears on 33 lists
- divewas added by jennarenn and appears on 32 lists
- tumblewas added by jennarenn and appears on 58 lists
- a little off the topwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- no prisonerswas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- center stagewas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- it like a manwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- candy from strangerswas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- offwas added by jennarenn and appears on 53 lists
- the high roadwas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- coursewas added by jennarenn and appears on 44 lists
- napwas added by jennarenn and appears on 42 lists
- time-outwas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- whiffwas added by jennarenn and appears on 57 lists
- sipwas added by jennarenn and appears on 36 lists
- guesswas added by jennarenn and appears on 24 lists
- the plungewas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- rain checkwas added by jennarenn and appears on 3 lists
- teawas added by jennarenn and appears on 123 lists
- numberwas added by jennarenn and appears on 43 lists
- a load offwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- deep breathwas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- chancewas added by jennarenn and appears on 61 lists
- swingwas added by jennarenn and appears on 51 lists
- breatherwas added by jennarenn and appears on 10 lists
- hintwas added by jennarenn and appears on 34 lists
- the a trainwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- the rapwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- hikewas added by jennarenn and appears on 29 lists
- leakwas added by jennarenn and appears on 35 lists
- two aspirinswas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- tripwas added by jennarenn and appears on 42 lists
- overwas added by jennarenn and appears on 47 lists
- gaswas added by jennarenn and appears on 49 lists
- flying leapwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- the cakewas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- minutewas added by jennarenn and appears on 59 lists
- photographwas added by jennarenn and appears on 35 lists
- fivewas added by jennarenn and appears on 35 lists
- timewas added by jennarenn and appears on 134 lists
- up spacewas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- me out to the ballgamewas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- ganderwas added by jennarenn and appears on 46 lists
- lookwas added by jennarenn and appears on 42 lists
- peekwas added by jennarenn and appears on 25 lists
- breakwas added by jennarenn and appears on 82 lists
- milewas added by jennarenn and appears on 15 lists
- out the trashwas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
oroboros commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
flying leap;gas (surfer slang originally);over;trip;two aspirins;leak...
too bad double and be on the don't work :o/
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
a hike; the rap; the A Train; hint; breather; deep breath; swig. chance
June 20, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
a load off, a number, tea
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
a rain check
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
the plunge; a leap
June 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
a guess? a sip? a whiff? a time-out? a nap? a course (in school)?
June 20, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
the high road, off, candy from strangers
June 20, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
it like a man
center stage
the rap
no prisoners
a little off the top
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
did anyone say tumble?
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
a dive; a trip; a vacation; anything off of anyone
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
turn for the better
June 20, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
take care of business!
June 20, 2007
valse commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
for granted, a right at the next street
June 21, 2007
bilby commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
Take that!
July 25, 2008
bilby commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
February 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
Ha! I was just to comment about how much I love stuffies. Then I realized, it's my list. :) Jen
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
I take umbrage at your not recognising your own list, jenn.
February 6, 2009
sionnach commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
hostage, a dim view, my wife, please, physic, pomp, arms against a sea of troubles (and by opposing, end them), a liking for someone, grave exception, the trouble, forever, full responsibility, the name of the Lord in vain, a long walk off a short pier, a run up a gumtree, cover, your medicine, your punishment, what you have coming to you, the road less travelled, turns, it easy, your mama out tonight, a chill pill, a dekko, all day, the biscuit, the cake, a good look around you, up arms, me home, country roads, things at face value, my word (for it)
February 6, 2009
sionnach commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
And, of course, let's not forget wondo!
February 6, 2009
madmouth commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
flannel and the tonsure (discussion here)
May 26, 2009