A list of 33 words by uselessness.
- offwas added by uselessness and appears on 53 lists
- downwas added by uselessness and appears on 84 lists
- upwas added by uselessness and appears on 73 lists
- bad copwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- good copwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- partwas added by uselessness and appears on 43 lists
- knick knackwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- possumwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- godwas added by uselessness and appears on 77 lists
- markwas added by uselessness and appears on 78 lists
- handwas added by uselessness and appears on 82 lists
- doctorwas added by uselessness and appears on 64 lists
- housewas added by uselessness and appears on 89 lists
- deafwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- detectivewas added by uselessness and appears on 35 lists
- rolewas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- videowas added by uselessness and appears on 42 lists
- hookywas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- dirtywas added by uselessness and appears on 51 lists
- fairwas added by uselessness and appears on 77 lists
- drunkwas added by uselessness and appears on 61 lists
- kingwas added by uselessness and appears on 76 lists
- dumbwas added by uselessness and appears on 41 lists
- deadwas added by uselessness and appears on 62 lists
- pretendwas added by uselessness and appears on 35 lists
- cardwas added by uselessness and appears on 41 lists
- nicewas added by uselessness and appears on 78 lists
- alongwas added by uselessness and appears on 24 lists
- aroundwas added by uselessness and appears on 29 lists
- foolwas added by uselessness and appears on 77 lists
- musicwas added by uselessness and appears on 110 lists
- instrumentwas added by uselessness and appears on 31 lists
- gamewas added by uselessness and appears on 62 lists
asativum commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Nice list. King? Innocent. Drunk. Smart. Marks, or maybe unsuspecting victims? Better yet, a dupe.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
fair, dirty, hooky (sp), video, dvd
December 15, 2006
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Added a couple. Not sure about smart, marks, unsuspecting victims, or dupe. What do these phrases mean?
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Ooh! role.
December 15, 2006
asativum commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Maybe too obscure. You play a mark (or a dupe) if you're a con artist, in this case using play to mean string along, fool or take advantage of.
December 15, 2006
asativum commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Oh -- a hand.
December 15, 2006
slantrhyme commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Play a sport (too much like game)? Play God? Where I'm from, pretending to be asleep was called "playing possum."
January 10, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Good ones, 'preciate it.
January 11, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
knick knack (on someone's thumb, knee, etc.), sucker, part, Cops & Robbers, Cowboys & Indians, on words, goodcop/badcop, up, down, off, helpless
January 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
I'll give the dog a bone.
Thanks for those! A few I'm not familiar with, and some of those I think fall under the umbrella of "game." But the rest have been added.
January 19, 2007