A list of 24 words by uselessness.
- blithenesswas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- ebulliencewas added by uselessness and appears on 90 lists
- sunninesswas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- jollitywas added by uselessness and appears on 32 lists
- exuberancewas added by uselessness and appears on 64 lists
- gladnesswas added by uselessness and appears on 12 lists
- exhilarationwas added by uselessness and appears on 24 lists
- felicitywas added by uselessness and appears on 130 lists
- gaietywas added by uselessness and appears on 30 lists
- elationwas added by uselessness and appears on 60 lists
- euphoriawas added by uselessness and appears on 150 lists
- jubilationwas added by uselessness and appears on 41 lists
- delectationwas added by uselessness and appears on 51 lists
- delightwas added by uselessness and appears on 68 lists
- blisswas added by uselessness and appears on 127 lists
- cheerfulnesswas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- merrimentwas added by uselessness and appears on 38 lists
- jovialitywas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- rapturewas added by uselessness and appears on 142 lists
- mirthwas added by uselessness and appears on 137 lists
- gleewas added by uselessness and appears on 58 lists
- ecstasywas added by uselessness and appears on 81 lists
- joywas added by uselessness and appears on 99 lists
- happinesswas added by uselessness and appears on 52 lists
uselessness commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
Read this list when depressed. I never expected that simply reading all the words in one place would be so effective at making me smile!
February 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
What a great list. Hey, wait! We have to tell Vance! These ARE fun to say!
February 20, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
That's not the first time on this site that someone has said a list has changed their mood. It would make a good study.
February 20, 2007
reesetee commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
You're right, AZ. I can see it now--all sorts of scholarly journal articles on the mood-enhancing powers of Wordie. Not a bad idea. ;-)
February 20, 2007
senwick commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
Wel it's not just wordie. It works with any list of words that have emotional content.
December 18, 2008
reesetee commented on the list the-pursuit-of-happyness
Senwick, I was merely making a Wordie joke. About a year ago, it appears.
December 19, 2008