A list of 55 words by strev.
- duwajiggyjiggycumjiggyjuwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- nowhere better to gowas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- slurpeewas added by madmouth and appears on 9 lists
- zitgeistwas added by strev and appears on just this list
- cornfield keggerswas added by ms410 and appears on just this list
- cow tipping, allegedlywas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- i filled my car with corn cobs and drove downtownwas added by strev and appears on just this list
- back-of-the-bus discowas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- raccoon eyeswas added by madmouth and appears on 2 lists
- we have a cream for thatwas added by strev and appears on just this list
- the beatswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- umbrage and plenty of itwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- drink anything so long as it burns on the way downwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- self-absorptionwas added by greeneyedlady and appears on 2 lists
- braceswas added by Prolagus and appears on 19 lists
- first kisswas added by dontcry and appears on 3 lists
- debutante ballwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- aznwas added by madmouth and appears on 2 lists
- glucosewas added by madmouth and appears on 20 lists
- slashwas added by madmouth and appears on 60 lists
- the delights of filthwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- moody self-portraiturewas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- everything would be better if i lived in japanwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- the gay earwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- the showwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- country weekwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- margin doodles of future tattoowas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- some very good beer that i purchased with a fake idwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- embarrassing piercingswas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- purikurawas added by madmouth and appears on 3 lists
- not getting laidwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- visible underwearwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- shakespearewas added by madmouth and appears on 11 lists
- are you a lesbianwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- asperger's syndromewas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- the cool kid has a hobo friendwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- legging itwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- a dealer in every gradewas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- black-and-white photographywas added by madmouth and appears on 2 lists
- freaking out squareswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- i wish i could play guitarwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- yugothugswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- scared of the girls who are good at volleyballwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- poutinewas added by madmouth and appears on 28 lists
- jesus, mom!was added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- pathetic hookywas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- shades indoorswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- trenchcoat in gym classwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- theatre kidswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- muffin topwas added by madmouth and appears on 6 lists
- my internet friend can kick your asswas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- 'in love' with 10 peoplewas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- taking nine inch nails seriouslywas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- hair mascarawas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- angst in your pantswas added by strev and appears on just this list
plethora commented on the list the-teen-years
As a teenager, I kind of resent this list...
June 26, 2009
strev commented on the list the-teen-years
Sorry about that Plethora- no offence was intended.
Perhaps you can find a laugh in some of our twisted memories of what we have experienced so VERY, VERY long ago.
In future, out of respect to you, I shall avoid such topics.
June 26, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list the-teen-years
Same here plethora!
June 26, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list the-teen-years
Oh, c'mon, plethora! We're all being nicely disrespectful, you know...
June 26, 2009
plethora commented on the list the-teen-years
Oh, it's not that I don't think some of this list is spot-on. In fact, that's kind of what I don't like about it. I hate being lumped in with trenchcoat in gym class and visible underwear.
On the one hand, I can relate to slash, braces and the show (assuming bilby means the same show I am thinking of); but on the other, to put the rest of them on teenagers, when I know so many "adults" that are still in love with Trent Reznor and call their internet friends to their defence and have Japan fantasies etc etc etc is just... not fair.
Also, what's wrong with Shakespeare?
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list the-teen-years
Nobody would be foolish enough to "lump" you in with anything, pleth. You are one of a kind!
June 27, 2009
yarb commented on the list the-teen-years
Nothing's wrong with Shakespeare, of course! I assume this list is in a spirit of fondness; some of these things are cringe-making in hindsight, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
June 27, 2009
madmouth commented on the list the-teen-years
one would have to have little imagination to interpret this list as a wholesale mockery. these are real experiences!
June 27, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list the-teen-years
okay.. nicely disrespectful.. that's okay..
June 27, 2009
bilby commented on the list the-teen-years
Raccoon eyes?
June 28, 2009
madmouth commented on the list the-teen-years
you haven't heard of raccoon eyes?
June 29, 2009
bilby commented on the list the-teen-years
Hadn't! But ... I get it :-) Sorry, hard to type, still in stitches ;-)
June 29, 2009
madmouth commented on the list the-teen-years
twin ouches for the stitch buddies! (though mine are dental...a much smaller ouch)
June 29, 2009