A list of 171 words by uselessness.
- elucidatingwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- rascalismwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- navigablewas added by uselessness and appears on 22 lists
- apostolicitywas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- ontotontowas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- elysiumwas added by uselessness and appears on 51 lists
- astigmatismwas added by uselessness and appears on 24 lists
- eucalyptuswas added by uselessness and appears on 54 lists
- tchotchkewas added by uselessness and appears on 137 lists
- williwawwas added by uselessness and appears on 69 lists
- croissantwas added by uselessness and appears on 37 lists
- fhqwhgadswas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- enigmaticwas added by uselessness and appears on 142 lists
- galapagoswas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- inalienablewas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- appendectomywas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- scuttlebuttwas added by uselessness and appears on 67 lists
- saccharinewas added by uselessness and appears on 119 lists
- deleteriouswas added by uselessness and appears on 234 lists
- existentialwas added by uselessness and appears on 86 lists
- coincidingwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- burglewas added by uselessness and appears on 44 lists
- festoonerywas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- ceruleanwas added by uselessness and appears on 282 lists
- flummoxwas added by uselessness and appears on 189 lists
- hypnopompicwas added by uselessness and appears on 65 lists
- quixoticwas added by uselessness and appears on 555 lists
- anathemawas added by uselessness and appears on 338 lists
- octothorpewas added by uselessness and appears on 101 lists
- defibrillationwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- synecdochewas added by uselessness and appears on 284 lists
- chumbawambawas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- ballyhoowas added by uselessness and appears on 80 lists
- silhouettewas added by uselessness and appears on 143 lists
- arrhythmiawas added by uselessness and appears on 17 lists
- curlicuewas added by uselessness and appears on 48 lists
- askancewas added by uselessness and appears on 158 lists
- aphrodisiacwas added by uselessness and appears on 53 lists
- phytoplanktonwas added by uselessness and appears on 11 lists
- polydactylywas added by uselessness and appears on 15 lists
- hippopotamiwas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- souffléwas added by uselessness and appears on 14 lists
- preferentialwas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- constablewas added by uselessness and appears on 33 lists
- pancreaticwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- bricabracwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- swimminglywas added by uselessness and appears on 43 lists
- climacticwas added by uselessness and appears on 22 lists
- chiaroscurowas added by uselessness and appears on 226 lists
- credencewas added by uselessness and appears on 84 lists
- snickerdoodlewas added by uselessness and appears on 35 lists
- fortuitouswas added by uselessness and appears on 215 lists
- stipulationwas added by uselessness and appears on 27 lists
- exfoliatewas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- potentatewas added by uselessness and appears on 118 lists
- anesthesiologywas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- miscellaneouswas added by uselessness and appears on 34 lists
- tertiarywas added by uselessness and appears on 69 lists
- conundrumwas added by uselessness and appears on 282 lists
- misshapenwas added by uselessness and appears on 16 lists
- progenywas added by uselessness and appears on 91 lists
- encyclopedicwas added by uselessness and appears on 14 lists
- ostentatiouswas added by uselessness and appears on 252 lists
- perpendicularitywas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- persnicketywas added by uselessness and appears on 301 lists
- systemicwas added by uselessness and appears on 31 lists
- synchronicitywas added by uselessness and appears on 90 lists
- judiciarywas added by uselessness and appears on 20 lists
- minimalismwas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- syzygywas added by uselessness and appears on 346 lists
- helter-skelterwas added by uselessness and appears on 39 lists
- discombobulatedwas added by uselessness and appears on 130 lists
- blasphemewas added by uselessness and appears on 38 lists
- solipsistwas added by uselessness and appears on 26 lists
- loquaciouswas added by uselessness and appears on 531 lists
- metamorphosewas added by uselessness and appears on 16 lists
- burgeoningwas added by uselessness and appears on 47 lists
- hysterectomywas added by uselessness and appears on 12 lists
- stilettowas added by uselessness and appears on 49 lists
- imperviouswas added by uselessness and appears on 156 lists
- knickerbockerwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- plesiosauruswas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- secessionwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- superfluouswas added by uselessness and appears on 333 lists
- propulsionwas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- interstitialwas added by uselessness and appears on 65 lists
- orchestralwas added by uselessness and appears on 18 lists
- bromeliadwas added by uselessness and appears on 15 lists
- amalgamationwas added by uselessness and appears on 81 lists
- totalitarianwas added by uselessness and appears on 46 lists
- filibusterwas added by uselessness and appears on 130 lists
- chicanowas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- saskatchewanwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- palisadewas added by uselessness and appears on 62 lists
- jamiroquaiwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- vichyssoisewas added by uselessness and appears on 35 lists
- honky-tonkwas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- lollapaloozawas added by uselessness and appears on 19 lists
- egregiouswas added by uselessness and appears on 399 lists
- spelunkingwas added by uselessness and appears on 55 lists
- cumulativewas added by uselessness and appears on 40 lists
- sacagaweawas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- cimbalomwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- schwarzeneggerwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- silmarillionwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- ipecacwas added by uselessness and appears on 33 lists
- didgeridoowas added by uselessness and appears on 54 lists
- gorgonzolawas added by uselessness and appears on 47 lists
- mississippiwas added by uselessness and appears on 22 lists
- willy-nillywas added by uselessness and appears on 26 lists
- tumultuouswas added by uselessness and appears on 117 lists
- inculcatewas added by uselessness and appears on 180 lists
- bludgeonwas added by uselessness and appears on 61 lists
- smurphwas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- scintillatingwas added by uselessness and appears on 148 lists
- glockenspielwas added by uselessness and appears on 87 lists
- hodgepodgewas added by uselessness and appears on 87 lists
- trajectorywas added by uselessness and appears on 74 lists
- pell-mellwas added by uselessness and appears on 57 lists
- perfunctorywas added by uselessness and appears on 333 lists
- synesthesiawas added by uselessness and appears on 106 lists
- singsongwas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- tempestuouswas added by uselessness and appears on 130 lists
- bamboozlewas added by uselessness and appears on 110 lists
- acquiescentwas added by uselessness and appears on 41 lists
- ubiquitouswas added by uselessness and appears on 416 lists
- indubitablywas added by uselessness and appears on 126 lists
- hoi polloiwas added by uselessness and appears on 114 lists
- topsy turvywas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- colloquialismwas added by uselessness and appears on 46 lists
- longitudinalwas added by uselessness and appears on 20 lists
- enclavewas added by uselessness and appears on 64 lists
- colonnadewas added by uselessness and appears on 38 lists
- syntacticalwas added by uselessness and appears on 11 lists
- kokopelliwas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- boliviawas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- ionizationwas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- chimichangawas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- lillypillywas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- advantageouswas added by uselessness and appears on 34 lists
- elysiumwas added by uselessness and appears on 51 lists
- serendipitywas added by uselessness and appears on 489 lists
- gobbledygookwas added by uselessness and appears on 68 lists
- bibliobibuliwas added by uselessness and appears on 53 lists
- phobophobiawas added by uselessness and appears on 17 lists
- eschatologywas added by uselessness and appears on 121 lists
- funerealwas added by uselessness and appears on 58 lists
- bienvenidoswas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- accentuatewas added by uselessness and appears on 49 lists
- sopaipillawas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- flagellumwas added by uselessness and appears on 19 lists
- aristotelianwas added by uselessness and appears on 18 lists
- frankensteinianwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- indeterminablewas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- effervescencewas added by uselessness and appears on 70 lists
- millenniumismwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- hurdy gurdywas added by uselessness and appears on 14 lists
- kitchenettewas added by uselessness and appears on 12 lists
- preponderancewas added by uselessness and appears on 82 lists
- frigiditywas added by uselessness and appears on 13 lists
- inclemencywas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- parallelablewas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- bourgeoisiewas added by uselessness and appears on 60 lists
- misanthropicwas added by uselessness and appears on 84 lists
- je ne sais quoiwas added by uselessness and appears on 57 lists
- plentifullywas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- ontologicalwas added by uselessness and appears on 61 lists
- insipidwas added by uselessness and appears on 358 lists
- soliloquywas added by uselessness and appears on 247 lists
- parsimoniouswas added by uselessness and appears on 236 lists
- verisimilitudewas added by uselessness and appears on 438 lists
uselessness commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
So, which of these is YOUR favorite? Do comment.
January 15, 2007
kad commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
quixotic is my favorite (though it's not easy to choose with so many good words!). i like both the reference to a literary character and the way that it sounds. and it gets extra points for having a 'q' and an 'x' in it.
January 15, 2007
uselessness commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
I've been following the discussion on the quixotic page with some interest, because this is one of those words that I always thought was cool, but never really contemplated in any depth.
Oddly enough, I never made the Don Quixote connection until I saw the thread. I've never heard anyone speak the word, just seen it in print and online, and figured it was pronounced "quick SOT ick." Coincedentally, a friend did say the word in conversation just last week, and he said "KEE ho tic." Totally random, and as far as I know he's never been to Wordie. I did a double-take. The one time I've ever heard the word spoken, and it's the weird way.
However you choose to say it, the word remains on my list. Though I prefer the Anglicanized pronunciation, which I think is just more fun, the perfect blend of quirky and exotic.
January 15, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
I'm late to this conversation about quixotic, but... I've always pronounced it "kee-OT-ic," though I've heard it said "kwiks-ot-ic." One time I said "kwiks-ot-ic" and everyone stared at me--though it could be because they didn't know the word at all, who knows. Then, when I looked it up in the OED today, it lists one pronunciation: kwiks-ot-ic. Hunh. I'll probably continue to say "kee-OT-ic," because that's what I'm used to saying. And frankly, I don't say it often enough to worry that much. Guess I don't normally run with the crowd that has an opinion on the matter.
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
Including the scholars at Oxford University? Fine then, go your own way.
February 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
Odd though. Quixotic is really the definition of all our lists, isn't it? ... or is it litigious?
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
I would say our lists are quite... quixatory.
February 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
Not only that; they're also litigiatory and peniscatory too. Or...well, SOME of them are. You know who.
February 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
Peniscatory? Heaven help those lists.
February 17, 2007
lillyjames commented on the list they-roll-off-the-tongue
As with all good word lists, this one made me hungry. Parsimonious made me most hungry of all, but, of course, will refuse to feed me! I must look elsewhere for succor.
July 13, 2007