A list of 20 words by ethnofinancecologist.
- TaxVampirespekewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on just this list
- savingswas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 4 lists
- budgetwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 42 lists
- fairnesswas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 18 lists
- pro-businesswas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on just this list
- honestywas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 44 lists
- honorwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 57 lists
- justicewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 86 lists
- progressivewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 34 lists
- outcomewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 21 lists
- accountabilitywas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 38 lists
- reasonwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 55 lists
- transparencywas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 43 lists
- clearwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 75 lists
- futurewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 70 lists
- investmentwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 28 lists
- changewas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 80 lists
- reformwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 36 lists
- equitywas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 58 lists
- Constitutionwas added by ethnofinancecologist and appears on 4 lists
ethnofinancecologist commented on the list tools-with-which-to-fight-the-soulless-tax-vampires
E.g. Chris Dodd has done more to damage the American economy and American homeowner and aspiring homeowner than almost anyone on the planet, through his drunken (we hope), mindless (we're pretty confident) support of Fannie and Freddie's wild credit spree. Yet when it comes to Reform, nothing in his insane "Reform bill" addresses the root causes of the financial collapse - Fannie and Freddie get to keep churning out bad debts. Thank you, Chris Dodd.
May 27, 2010
john commented on the list tools-with-which-to-fight-the-soulless-tax-vampires
I like Chris Dodd. He's got great hair.
May 27, 2010