A list of 4 words by Azr.
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- innocuous1382977101and appears on 287 listswas added by Azr and appears on 287 lists
- candid1382976923and appears on 150 listswas added by Azr and appears on 150 lists
- erratic1382976715and appears on 153 listswas added by Azr and appears on 153 lists
- bleak1382976284and appears on 164 listswas added by Azr and appears on 164 lists
- profuse1382975867and appears on 104 listswas added by Azr and appears on 104 lists
Azr commented on the list top-5-basic-on-gre
S: PRODIGAL, Excessive, ** Extravagant **, Copious, Exuberant, Lavish
A: Lacking, Wanting, Sparse, Moderate
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list top-5-basic-on-gre
** 'Trostlos' **, ** 'Düster' **, 'Karg'
S: ** AUSTERE **, ** Gloomy **, ** Pale **, Cold, Hopeless, Exposed
A: Bright, Cheerful, Happy, Warm, Sympathetic, Friendly
** --> Bleich
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list top-5-basic-on-gre
** 'Ungleichmässig' **, 'Sprunghaft', 'Unberechenbar'
S: ** ROGUE **, ** Irregular **, ** Strange **, Inconsistent, Volatile, Eccentric
A: ** Reasonable **, ** Calm **, Steady, Consistent, Normal
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list top-5-basic-on-gre
'Offen', 'Ehrlich', 'Aufrichtig'
S: ARTLESS, GUILELESS, Genuine, Open, Sincere, Impartial, Unprejudiced
A: Reserved, Untruthful, Dishonest, Partial, Prejudiced
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list top-5-basic-on-gre
** 'Harmlos' **
S: Harmless, Inoffensive, Unprovocative
A: PUGNACIOUS, Harmful, Damaging, Hurtful, Injurious
** Nocere -> lat.
October 28, 2013