from OE "stigrap" is the same as "stehgreif". the latter consequently has nothing to do with improvising while standing and groping (steh-greif)as in the german expression "aus dem Stegreif" (off the cuff). The original meaning being "extemporising while your still in the saddle" i.e. in the stirrups: steg-reif = stig-rap.
lobsterphone commented on the list what-words-do-when-no-one-watches
from OE "stigrap" is the same as "stehgreif". the latter consequently has nothing to do with improvising while standing and groping (steh-greif)as in the german expression "aus dem Stegreif" (off the cuff). The original meaning being "extemporising while your still in the saddle" i.e. in the stirrups: steg-reif = stig-rap.
the wor(l)d made a little less obscure.
March 29, 2009