A list of 15 words by meeralee.
- tenebrouswas added by meeralee and appears on 172 lists
- perniciouswas added by meeralee and appears on 381 lists
- impecuniouswas added by meeralee and appears on 195 lists
- ineluctablewas added by meeralee and appears on 245 lists
- stevedorewas added by meeralee and appears on 66 lists
- untrammeledwas added by meeralee and appears on 40 lists
- abrogatewas added by meeralee and appears on 263 lists
- supernumerarywas added by meeralee and appears on 62 lists
- sempiternalwas added by meeralee and appears on 90 lists
- adumbratewas added by meeralee and appears on 288 lists
- impecuniouswas added by meeralee and appears on 195 lists
- surceasewas added by meeralee and appears on 50 lists
- noisomewas added by meeralee and appears on 190 lists
- fulsomewas added by meeralee and appears on 188 lists
- trenchantwas added by meeralee and appears on 263 lists
meeralee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
...I always think it means "stubborn." Not only that, but I think it _should_ mean "stubborn."
February 15, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
I agree, meeralee. It does "sound" like a stubborn word.
I have a friend who always uses the word nonplussed as exactly the opposite of what it actually means. Now *I* get confused when I use it. :-)
February 16, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
I get into a loop about the word enervating. I'm always inclined to think it means something along the lines of energizing or invigorating, but its actual meaning is closer to debilitating, weakening or unsettling.
I have figured out, though, that fulsome and noisome don't mean what they suggest.
February 16, 2007
meeralee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
reestee, that's funny -- nonplussed sounds exactly like its meaning to me. ;-)
sionnach, enervating is definitely an odd one. It helps me that I kind of sigh when I say it.
I'm adding some of these to the list!
February 16, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
Whenever I hear nonplussed I think of the classic Tom Swifty: "That just doesn't add up", said Tom, nonplussed. (sorry!)
February 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
Oh, I was okay with nonplussed until aforementioned friend confused me. ;-)
Meeralee, how about sempiternal? It always makes me think "semi-eternal," which is nonsensical anyway!
February 16, 2007
meeralee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
I think of it the same way you do.
February 16, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
decimate might be a candidate for this list. I think I understand it correctly myself, but it seems to cause a fair amount of confusion.
February 16, 2007
meeralee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
Well, it might be a candidate for someone else's list of the same name...
February 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
February 17, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
bimonthly, biennial, next weekend; each of these gives rise to hilarious misunderstandings on occasion, in my neck of the woods.
February 19, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
Agree on all three, sionnach!
February 19, 2007
slumry commented on the list words-i-always-think-i-understand-and-discover-i-don-t
Nice to *see* you, Meeralee. I learned tenebrous from you today. When I saw the word, I immediately thought of Christian Holy Week Tenebrae services. I had never known where the wordTenebrae came from. Reading the definition of tenebrous, it now makes sense.
I keep meaning to make a list for the words that I just don't seem to "get," no matter how many times I look them up.
July 23, 2007