A list of 76 words by Telofy.
- Oaxacawas added by ruzuzu and appears on 5 lists
- vertigowas added by markusloke and appears on 110 lists
- nostalgiawas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 118 lists
- downtroddenwas added by marky and appears on 25 lists
- blastmanwas added by marky and appears on just this list
- crokinolewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- cruditéwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 4 lists
- twelfth root of twowas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- glucagonwas added by Wordplayer and appears on 13 lists
- duodenumwas added by Wordplayer and appears on 42 lists
- metabolizingwas added by Wordplayer and appears on just this list
- enzymeswas added by Wordplayer and appears on 7 lists
- pancreaswas added by Wordplayer and appears on 30 lists
- proportionalwas added by Wordplayer and appears on 15 lists
- insulinwas added by Wordplayer and appears on 14 lists
- piccolo bastardo infamewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gavottewas added by bilby and appears on 30 lists
- vegan vigilanteswas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- Biotic Baking Brigadewas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- Democracy Now!was added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- stillwas added by Telofy and appears on 79 lists
- bayouwas added by Telofy and appears on 50 lists
- Rachel Corriewas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- vilifywas added by Telofy and appears on 121 lists
- Manningwas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- Bradleywas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- WikiLeakswas added by Telofy and appears on 3 lists
- Buddy Richwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- Watergatewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 7 lists
- apathywas added by Telofy and appears on 146 lists
- differentiatewas added by Telofy and appears on 33 lists
- triphalluswas added by raygunshaun and appears on 2 lists
- parabolawas added by raygunshaun and appears on 78 lists
- burlesquewas added by Telofy and appears on 103 lists
- emissarywas added by Telofy and appears on 47 lists
- gluttonouswas added by Telofy and appears on 20 lists
- every which waywas added by Telofy and appears on 4 lists
- furtivewas added by Telofy and appears on 235 lists
- ankleswas added by Telofy and appears on 4 lists
- phalangeswas added by reesetee and appears on 23 lists
- Prototypewas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- MooToolswas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- jQuerywas added by Telofy and appears on 3 lists
- Ajaxwas added by Telofy and appears on 10 lists
- Firefoxwas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- JavaScriptwas added by Telofy and appears on 4 lists
- widgetwas added by Telofy and appears on 74 lists
- Scaramouchewas added by mollusque and appears on 4 lists
- 32-bit wordwas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- APLwas added by Telofy and appears on 3 lists
- SNOBOLwas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- COBOLwas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- Javawas added by Telofy and appears on 10 lists
- Perlwas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- Fortranwas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- Unixwas added by Telofy and appears on 4 lists
- Sunwas added by Telofy and appears on 6 lists
- Lispwas added by Telofy and appears on 2 lists
- hackwas added by Telofy and appears on 98 lists
- Cwas added by Telofy and appears on 13 lists
- C++was added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- assemblerwas added by Telofy and appears on 9 lists
- Sheik Yerboutiwas added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- James Deanwas added by dontcry and appears on 4 lists
- bo peepwas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- halo halowas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- acquiescewas added by Telofy and appears on 229 lists
- linowas added by Prolagus and appears on 12 lists
- Urthwas added by Telofy and appears on just this list
- conciliationwas added by Telofy and appears on 13 lists
- penancewas added by Telofy and appears on 54 lists
- stigmawas added by Telofy and appears on 81 lists
- heinouswas added by Telofy and appears on 129 lists
- slitherwas added by Telofy and appears on 59 lists
- lictorwas added by Telofy and appears on 18 lists
- fuliginwas added by Telofy and appears on 11 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Terrific, telofy!
December 12, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
For fuligin, slither, heinous, stigma, penance, conciliation, Urth and lictor listen to the beautiful Terminus Est by Julia Ecklar.
Thanks to ruzuzu with her optional alveolar trill for the idea for this list.
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Just when I think we've listed everything....
December 12, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
*Pssst* telofy... I'm a gull (optional alveolar trill notwithstanding). :-)
December 12, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Oops. Sorry. Fixed. *blush*
December 13, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
No worries, telofy. :-)
PossibleUnderscore started this dance party over on another list.
December 13, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
32-bit word, APL, SNOBOL, COBOL, Java, Perl, Fortran, Unix, Sun, Lisp, hack, C, C++ and assembler are from Eternal Flame by Julia Ecklar.
December 13, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Prototype, MooTools, jQuery, Ajax, Firefox, JavaScript and widget by courtesy of Scott’s IE is Being Mean to Me.
December 14, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Emilie Autumn contributes ankles: “Opheliac Out Takes” from 3:07 onward
She also uses a high pitched [ʀ] (uvular trill), which is actually my signature sound. Hers is much higher however, and I think I close my lips further.
December 17, 2009
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Wow, I joined Wordie on Emilie Autumn’s 29th birthday. :-D
January 19, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
March 18, 2011
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Thanks—and I haven’t even added any Rovics words yet.
Update: Fix’d.
March 18, 2011
Wordplayer commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
insulin, glucagon, proportional, duodenum, pancreas, metabolizing, and enzymes are found in this song: link
March 19, 2011
PossibleUnderscore commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
nostalgia heard in this song.
April 23, 2011
Selchie commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Look at most any Decemberists' lyrics: fontanelle, palanquin, arabesques, and many more.
May 20, 2012
ruzuzu commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
I think about this list all the time. :-)
September 12, 2012
Telofy commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Aww, thanks! I was reminded of it recently when I listened to Emilie Autumn again after a while. :-)
September 12, 2012