A list of 74 words by kalayzich.
- inquestswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- transliterationwas added by kalayzich and appears on 20 lists
- brainteaserswas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- mysticetewas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- mindfuckwas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- dramatisingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- footloosewas added by kalayzich and appears on 19 lists
- auberginewas added by kalayzich and appears on 161 lists
- enumeratedwas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- futilitieswas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- predictionswas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- preorderedwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- jabberingswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- interstatewas added by kalayzich and appears on 18 lists
- warfaringswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- antiprotonwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- overchargedwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- epicentralwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- bewilderingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 21 lists
- densifyingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- exchequerswas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- externalisingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- unsuspectingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- fenestrationswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- methioninewas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- extincturewas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- miscarriageswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- demodulatedwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- boomerangwas added by kalayzich and appears on 44 lists
- disenfranchiseswas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- disappointwas added by kalayzich and appears on 15 lists
- pensioningwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- evanishingwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- registrieswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- monopolieswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- machinerieswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- wellingtonswas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- worldscalewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- indelicatelywas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- campeadorswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- florentineswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- multicolourwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- existentialistswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- renominationswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- recapitulationswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- uncomputerisedwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- myxedemawas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- subcostawas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- taoiseachwas added by kalayzich and appears on 9 lists
- cothurniwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- anabioseswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- latifondiwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- kazachocwas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- goldfishwas added by kalayzich and appears on 20 lists
- vocabularisedwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- jelutongwas added by kalayzich and appears on 4 lists
- douzeperwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- banknotewas added by kalayzich and appears on 13 lists
- braconidwas added by kalayzich and appears on 6 lists
- nefariouswas added by kalayzich and appears on 316 lists
- cloverleafwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- reduviidwas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- malaxagewas added by kalayzich and appears on 3 lists
- cobloaveswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- tearjerkerwas added by kalayzich and appears on 7 lists
- uredosoriwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- zapateadoswas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- asafetidawas added by kalayzich and appears on 12 lists
- hierodulewas added by kalayzich and appears on 11 lists
- qajaqwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- deathblowwas added by kalayzich and appears on 8 lists
- chlorodynewas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- waterzooiwas added by kalayzich and appears on 5 lists
- earwitnesswas added by kalayzich and appears on 13 lists
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Zev Kaufman I think you are mixing up two categories of bingos . One is significant plays like BRACONID which secure the world championship but are not difficult finds for experts The other category are beautiful ( and therefore inherently difficult ) finds - especially if you don't know that the opportunity exists.These would include WATERZOOI and CHLORODYNE and the like . If you want to set up a site to record these type of plays, I would suggest you set it up as a puzzle page where you show the board and rack and let the viewer try to find the best play
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
David Sutton Yes, what I had in mind were more the beautiful or 'wow!' plays. Beautiful plays are likely to be also significant, but significant plays will not necessarily be beautiful. But, as I say, you can't escape an element of subjectivity: clearly from reactions BRACONID did have quite a wow factor for many people
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
David Sutton
September 5 at 7:30pm
It has been suggested to me, in my role as current keeper of the zyzzyva definitions, that BRACONID should now be tagged with ‘as played by Brett Smitheram as a nine-timer in the 2016 WSC’. I don’t myself think that zyzzyva is the place for such commemoration, but it did lead me on to the idea that the WESPA website might have some sort of ‘WESPA Word Hall of Fame’, preserving particularly notable plays for the admiration and edification of us all.
Of course, there are problems. I think that to guarantee integrity and provide context the plays would have to be from recorded games made in a public tournament, and inevitably there is an element of subjectivity: one man’s ‘Wow, BRACONID!’ may be another man’s ‘Well, of course Brett is never going to miss your basic common-or-garden parasitoid wasp’. But I’m sure there have been plays that everyone would agree are spectacular: examples might be WATERZOOI (sorry, I forget who played this) through two floaters, and Nigel Richards playing CHLORODYNE and WORLDSCALE.
Anyway, for what it’s worth I donate the idea if anyone wants to run with it.
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Nicky Deco Excellent idea!
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Naween Fernando I used a blank once for 1 point to try and win an endgame but I didn't win.
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Jay Jay Jegatheva Jegathesan well REDUVIID needs to be there... especially as it basically did to Pakorn the word he initially played leaving the U on the board (edit: to go with what Elie Dangoor said...this was from one of their world championship final clashes).. i dont think i need to spell out who played it smile emoticon
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
I played mindfuck against Helen Hynes
Tony K
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Rik Kennedy As a more humble offering, I extended OVERLEAF to CLOVERLEAF at the 4 nations tourney. It was the only way to escape a blocked board and made room for a win from a dead position
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
I'm bored with BRACONID now
who said that?
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Geoff Cooper BRACONID does not have a scrabble score of 13. There is nowhere on the board where you can play it for that score. The sum of the number of points on the tiles which spell BRACONID is 13
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Steven Alexander Dan Pratt's play of KNOT one short of the top right triple (all S's gone, I believe) to set up his subsequent BAN(KNOT)E, in the 1988 North American championship.
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Somehow DOUZEPER and JELUTONG have not got a mention yet...?
Nick Ivanovski
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Chris Hawkins GOLDFISH for 185 was played in the 1991semi- final
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Ganesh Asirvatham TA(OISEACH) is sadly obsolete now
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
John Hamilton The one that sticks out for me was David Eldar playing SUBCOSTA to secure the win in the first WYSC
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Allan Simmons A question is whether BRACONID is really a fantastic word to spot or is it more of a bread-and-butter eight at this level. I imagine it's quite a useful eight with no duplicates and no E or S, and to the Scrabbler is no different from the likes of CARBINOL , COLUBRID or the more common CUPBOARD. Of course any 9x played at a critical WSC final quite rightly immediately inherits a lot of kudos and the news reports would be rather drab if the winning word was CUPBOARD
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Liz Fagerlund re Nigel's CHLORODYNE, for anyone who doesn't know how this spectacular play was formed, this was played in a club game in 1998 (he only started playing in 1996) with a rack of CDHLNR? - an E at the bottom of the board would have given CHiLDREN or CHaNDLER for 63 points. He played through O_O___E for his amazing 10 letter word; also making ID FY and EN (from the letters of WIFELY above it) for a score of 99 points. I notice looking at a picture of the board in NZ Forwords mag Dec 1998 that if QIN had been a word back then, CHLoRDAN would have played through an A with the N on QI for 76 points.
September 6, 2016
ruzuzu commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
I had someone play vomito on me at a charity tournament once. That one definitely evokes some memories.
September 6, 2016
alexz commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
When I think of scrabble, I think of the table flip.
September 6, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Mohan Chunkath Jim Geary played WATERZOOI
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Karen Richards Years ago, I gave out an award for an interesting play at WYSC - this was heavily criticised, to the point where I ceased doing it.. The argument was that it was subjective. I awarded the prize to the player of AUBERGINE, being a 9-letter play, with a strange combination of letters, and nor even a word used in most countries. However, I was told this was nothing special. Just saying, you are getting into an area where people will say .. "but that isn't anything special." We have been eating WATERZOOI all week, incidentally, so I don't see that as particularly interesting
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
David Sutton Eating WATERZOOI is one thing; spotting it as a nine-letter word through two separated floaters is another! But yes, the matter is subjective; doesn't stop it being a potentially entertaining and instructive addition to the WESPA website.
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Ganesh Asirvatham Potentially any inspired 9 letter or more play would make the cut. As most of us are aware, knowing the word and spotting the word in open play are two very different concepts. Lewis Mackay played YPSILOID which is relatively easy to find when cardboxing on ZYZZYVA but holding DIIPLOS and looking for a Y to make a bonus is inspired indeed.
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
September 7, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Steven Alexander Not sure why there's a need for a cobbled-together list at wordnik when there's a promise (by Elie) of a (sure to be well-done) page by WESPA.
September 8, 2016
alexz commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
I'd be like
ypsiloid?? YPSILOID? YPSILOID??????!!
September 8, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
September 8, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
To realise that some frustrations are species of joy is to become open to kinds of value other than the straightforwardly utilitarian.Jeremy Khoo
September 19, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
transliteration played by Garth Van Vliet
October 31, 2016
kalayzich commented on the list wow-plays-in-scrabble
Adam Kretschmer played inquests for 203
November 4, 2016