An under-garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. I heard this word in my English class, it's very similar to Spanish since it comes from Latin.
Lack of self control. I found this word by reading a newspaper article about a girl who had mental disorders, it was the first time I had seen this word.
Comments by 100000038465146
100000038465146 commented on the word Wry
I was reading a newspaper article.
October 27, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Gypsy
I was watching a Discovery Channel Documentary about tribes and I heard this word.
October 27, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Sycophant
I heard this word in a criminal justice show.
October 27, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Euphony
I found this word in an old book about music.
October 27, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word tunic
An under-garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. I heard this word in my English class, it's very similar to Spanish since it comes from Latin.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word agelast
Someone who never laughs.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word intricate
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word frugal
It means thrifty. My grandma uses this word all the time, even though many people don't know what it means.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word blive
"I will be at your house blive"
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word cromulent
Invented by "the simpsons". It means, from context of the episode, if something is cromulent it is legitimate.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Expergefaction
Even though this word seems so complicated. It only means waking up. I was reading the book Sold when I found it.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Acrasia
Lack of self control. I found this word by reading a newspaper article about a girl who had mental disorders, it was the first time I had seen this word.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Leisure
It means free time. I've heard this word a couple of times and it sounds sorta oldfashioned for me but that is why I like it.
October 1, 2010
100000038465146 commented on the word Talisman
I heard this word in an asian movie. I thought it was very interesting. It means a good luck charm.
October 1, 2010