"Because he decided after listening to gossip and reconnoitering that you were important to me, and that your death would wound me the way Long Shadow's had him."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"There was something about this that Christine wanted me to see, to...Of course. She wanted me to use my talent here. She suspected...skulduggery."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Suddenly a section of Astroturf leaped up as a trap snapped shut, narrowly missing the wolf's hind leg. The wolf yipped in consternation, frozen in place."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"She had left me a little note, too, on an old envelope that already held the beginnings of my shopping list. It said, 'I'll call you later. T'--a terse note, and not exactly redolent of sisterly love."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Though the window had broken mostly in big pieces, a few bits of glass fell from her as she rose, and I flicked an eye at Eric to make sure he understood he should clean them up. He had a truculent set to his mouth."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"I didn't believe for a minute Bill was only concerned with my safety, but I didn't want to believe jealousy brought him to my window, or some kind of prurient curiosity."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Patrick Furnan left his pew and strode to the lectern. He didn't do a good stride; he was too stout for that. But his speech was certainly a change from the elegies the two previous men had given."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"After going through the litany, which Alcide showed me in the Prayer Book, the priest asked if anyone would like to say a few words about Colonel Flood."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"'No,' he said. We were still keeping our voices down, but I could see from the sideways glances we were getting that our intense colloquy was attracting attention."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"She inclined her patrician head slightly to her right, and I gave a closer look at the couple that had been on the periphery of my attention."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Today, gray sheets of rain battered at the walls and roof, and Bud Dearborn was pontificating to five of his cronies over on the smoking side."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"'And what happened to you?' I asked politely, meaning how did he come to depart his wonderful warm-blooded life of rapine and slaughter for the vampire edition of the same thing."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Off and on I lived on the coast of America, down close to New Orleans, where we'd take small cargo ships and the like. I sailed aboard a small hoy, so we couldn't take on too large or well defended a ship..."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"'I've never been a bouncer before,' Charles said conversationally. 'I was the youngest son of a minor baronet, so I've had to make my own way, and I've done many things. I've worked as a bartender before, and many years ago I was a shill for a whorehouse. Stood outside, trumpeted the wares of the strumpets--that's a neat phrase, isn't it?--threw out men who got too rough with the whores. I suppose that's the same as being a bouncer."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"She subsided after he fixed her with his quelling gaze, and I wondered if he hadn't given her a dose of glamour."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"Bartenders at Fangtasia didn't tend to last long. Eric and Pam always tried to hire someone colorful--an exotic bartender drew in the human tourists who came by the busloads to take a walk on the wild side--and in this they were successful. But somehow the job had acquired a high attrition rate."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"I hate knowing more about relationships than the people in them know--but no matter how battened down I am, I pick up a trickle of stuff."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
"'In the meantime, to finish our conversation, whoever stuffed the corpse in the closet meant to saddle Alcide with the blame, since Jerry Falcon had made a blatant pass at Sookie in the bar the night before, and Alcide had taken umbrage.'" -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
Something felt funny, something was bothering me about the appearance of my house, but I was to het up to examine my worry." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"'Bubba' had an unfortunate predilection for cat blood, and he was addlepated, and he could only follow the simplest directions;..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"'Bubba' had an unfortunate predilection for cat blood, and he was addlepated, and he could only follow the simplest directions;..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"He'd seen me kill her, right in front of his eyes. Granted, she'd betrayed and tortured him, and that should have doused his ardor, right there." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"As the master of this mansion, Russell's return was a big event, and when the inhabitants smelled fresh blood, they were doubly quick to come thronging." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"I fought conflicting impulses to scream, burst into tears, or run...After a long, fraught pause, Alcide said, 'Let's get back in the truck.'" -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"I carried it behind the screen that concealed the hair-washing area, and wiped at a perfectly clean area just for verisimilitude..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"Janice walked away to get another towel, and in the clear reflection, I watched the silver-haired customer deftly sweep up the earrings and stuff them into her jacket pocket, while Janice's back was turned." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"It had been a very happy day for my grandmother, almost as happy a time as the evening she'd inveigled Bill into speaking at the Descendants meeting." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"In the complex relationship between vampire, Were, and human, there was a lot of leeway for something to go wrong somewhere. After all, my plan was thin, and the vampires' hold over Alcide was tenuous." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"...Alcide Herveaux looked plenty tough. He was big as a boulder, with biceps that I could do pull-ups on. He would have to shave a second time if he planned on going out in the evening. He would fit right in on a construction site or a wharf." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
"This was anything but what I had expected when Eric had told me someone who owed him a favor would be my entree into the Mississippi vampire milieu."-Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
I had a lot of time to maunder on and on through similar dead-end thought patterns, since Bill was having a rip-roaring good time at the party. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
"Though at the moment I feel more like boudain." Boudain is Cajun sausage, made of all kinds of things, none of them elegant. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
Those people who didn't espouse the more extreme measures of the Fellowship were going to get a real wake-up call tonight. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
"I know this world has plenty of bad people and bad vampires, but I don't believe the majority of the people in this country, or for that matter just here in Texas, would be edified by the sight of a screaming woman burning to death." -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
His voice brooked no discussion, and Sarah opened the door to disclose a bare little room with two chairs and two cots. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
He might be in sexual thrall to Isabel, he might even love her and the danger she represented, but I didn't think his heart and mind were wholly committed to her. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
I was glad I had found the bug and proved myself useful otherwise, or I wouldn't last long in Stan's bailiwick. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
A wig in this heat. Oh, hell. I tried not to look petulant. After all, it would be better to have an itchy head than to be identified as a woman who associated with vampires. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
Now I learn from Bill that there were vampires who became afflicted with terrible remorse, or perhaps ennui, after a long life. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
I knew no one could be standing outside the door listening; after, all, the bar was as noisy as usual, with the jukebox wailing a zydeco tune and the bellowing of people who'd had few drinks. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
I unbuttoned it slowly, knowing Bill's eyes were watching my hands move down the buttons, pulling the shirt apart a little more each time. Finally, I doffed it and stood there in Pam's white underwear. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
She was a pretty blond vampire I'd met a couple of times before, a sensible sort of individual with considerable business acumen. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
I was ashamed of that, since after all, we were there because a man we knew had died, but it was undeniable that after straightening up the storeroom, cleaning out Sam's office, and playing several hands of bourre (Sam won five dollars and change) we were all ready to see someone new. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
If felt strange to be going about the opening routine, just as if Lafayette were going to mince in any minute with a story about some party he'd been to, the way he had a few days before. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
Comments by 100000232338334
100000232338334 commented on the word reconnoitering
"Because he decided after listening to gossip and reconnoitering that you were important to me, and that your death would wound me the way Long Shadow's had him."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word skulduggery
"There was something about this that Christine wanted me to see, to...Of course. She wanted me to use my talent here. She suspected...skulduggery."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word consternation
"Suddenly a section of Astroturf leaped up as a trap snapped shut, narrowly missing the wolf's hind leg. The wolf yipped in consternation, frozen in place."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word doff
"Sam retired behind the hedge in front of his trailer to doff his clothes."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word tincture
"'Yes, ma'am, I am,' I agreed, with only a tincture of irony."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word fallow
"There were times to think, and times to lie fallow. Today was a fallow day."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word redolent
"She had left me a little note, too, on an old envelope that already held the beginnings of my shopping list. It said, 'I'll call you later. T'--a terse note, and not exactly redolent of sisterly love."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word truculent
"Though the window had broken mostly in big pieces, a few bits of glass fell from her as she rose, and I flicked an eye at Eric to make sure he understood he should clean them up. He had a truculent set to his mouth."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word rumination
"'I told you I would leave everything for you?' he said at the end of all this rumination."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word billeted
"I might owe my life to Sam's insistence that the vampire be billeted at my house."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word prurient
"I didn't believe for a minute Bill was only concerned with my safety, but I didn't want to believe jealousy brought him to my window, or some kind of prurient curiosity."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word letch
"He didn't letch after me, and he didn't seem to want anything from me."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word elegies
"Patrick Furnan left his pew and strode to the lectern. He didn't do a good stride; he was too stout for that. But his speech was certainly a change from the elegies the two previous men had given."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word litany
"After going through the litany, which Alcide showed me in the Prayer Book, the priest asked if anyone would like to say a few words about Colonel Flood."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word colloquy
"'No,' he said. We were still keeping our voices down, but I could see from the sideways glances we were getting that our intense colloquy was attracting attention."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word patrician
"She inclined her patrician head slightly to her right, and I gave a closer look at the couple that had been on the periphery of my attention."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word pontificating
"Today, gray sheets of rain battered at the walls and roof, and Bud Dearborn was pontificating to five of his cronies over on the smoking side."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word rapine
"'And what happened to you?' I asked politely, meaning how did he come to depart his wonderful warm-blooded life of rapine and slaughter for the vampire edition of the same thing."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word hoy
"Off and on I lived on the coast of America, down close to New Orleans, where we'd take small cargo ships and the like. I sailed aboard a small hoy, so we couldn't take on too large or well defended a ship..."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word blithely
"'Oh, we'd try to catch almost anyone unawares,' he said blithely.'"-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word shill
"'I've never been a bouncer before,' Charles said conversationally. 'I was the youngest son of a minor baronet, so I've had to make my own way, and I've done many things. I've worked as a bartender before, and many years ago I was a shill for a whorehouse. Stood outside, trumpeted the wares of the strumpets--that's a neat phrase, isn't it?--threw out men who got too rough with the whores. I suppose that's the same as being a bouncer."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word quelling
"She subsided after he fixed her with his quelling gaze, and I wondered if he hadn't given her a dose of glamour."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word attrition
"Bartenders at Fangtasia didn't tend to last long. Eric and Pam always tried to hire someone colorful--an exotic bartender drew in the human tourists who came by the busloads to take a walk on the wild side--and in this they were successful. But somehow the job had acquired a high attrition rate."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word battened
"I hate knowing more about relationships than the people in them know--but no matter how battened down I am, I pick up a trickle of stuff."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word abjectly
"'Scuse me,' I said abjectly, putting my tray on the bar and meeting Terry's eyes briefly."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word mendaciously
"'Your guess is as good as mine,' I said mendaciously, and he winked at me."-Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris
May 19, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word virago
"'And is he? He has the gall to tell this virago Debbie that Sookie is good in bed.'" -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word umbrage
"'In the meantime, to finish our conversation, whoever stuffed the corpse in the closet meant to saddle Alcide with the blame, since Jerry Falcon had made a blatant pass at Sookie in the bar the night before, and Alcide had taken umbrage.'" -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word ruddy
"There was blood on his face, and he looked pinker than I'd ever seen him, ruddy with health." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word het
Something felt funny, something was bothering me about the appearance of my house, but I was to het up to examine my worry." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word reedy
"He was awfully young--a reedy, blotched teenager." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word upbraid
"I didn't want to argue with Bill, or upbraid him for his unfaithfulness." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word addlepated
"'Bubba' had an unfortunate predilection for cat blood, and he was addlepated, and he could only follow the simplest directions;..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word predilection
"'Bubba' had an unfortunate predilection for cat blood, and he was addlepated, and he could only follow the simplest directions;..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word obstreperous
"And sometimes when he does sing, it brings back memories, and he gets, ah, obstreperous." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word ardor
"He'd seen me kill her, right in front of his eyes. Granted, she'd betrayed and tortured him, and that should have doused his ardor, right there." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word chaste
"He kissed my cheek in a chaste, friend-of-the-boyfriend way." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word thronging
"As the master of this mansion, Russell's return was a big event, and when the inhabitants smelled fresh blood, they were doubly quick to come thronging." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word mendaciously
"'She saw him pull the stake out, she said,' Eric said mendaciously." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word forlorn
"'I didn't want to talk about it,' I said. I didn't like the way that came out, kind of forlorn." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word fraught
"I fought conflicting impulses to scream, burst into tears, or run...After a long, fraught pause, Alcide said, 'Let's get back in the truck.'" -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word demurely
"'Of course I wouldn't do any such thing,' I said demurely, and he scowled at me." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word quirt
"I scored big with 'quirt,' (speaking about playing Scrabble) and he stuck his tongue out at me." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word foisted
"Alcide had had my company foisted on him." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word flit
"I'd have to flit from door to door to use the bathroom." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word fracas
"I was a mess: tired, conflicted, and agitated by a the fracas with the biker and Debbie's vandalism." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word blanched
"We sat staring at the shifter, and she blanched at our silence." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word archly
"'Oh?' I said archly, in an attempt to lighten the mood." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word vagaries
"We shrugged at each other, the vagaries of the white-collar well-to-do beyond our comprehension." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word verisimilitude
"I carried it behind the screen that concealed the hair-washing area, and wiped at a perfectly clean area just for verisimilitude..." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word deftly
"Janice walked away to get another towel, and in the clear reflection, I watched the silver-haired customer deftly sweep up the earrings and stuff them into her jacket pocket, while Janice's back was turned." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word toting
"My mind was not through toting up grievances." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word inveigled
"It had been a very happy day for my grandmother, almost as happy a time as the evening she'd inveigled Bill into speaking at the Descendants meeting." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word tenuous
"In the complex relationship between vampire, Were, and human, there was a lot of leeway for something to go wrong somewhere. After all, my plan was thin, and the vampires' hold over Alcide was tenuous." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word sullen
"...Stupid vampires. Stupid dress code. I was Sullen, with a capital S." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word paternalism
"I can take a lot of paternalism, but I was about up to my ears." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word wharf
"...Alcide Herveaux looked plenty tough. He was big as a boulder, with biceps that I could do pull-ups on. He would have to shave a second time if he planned on going out in the evening. He would fit right in on a construction site or a wharf." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word milieu
"This was anything but what I had expected when Eric had told me someone who owed him a favor would be my entree into the Mississippi vampire milieu."-Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word eviscerated
"I felt eviscerated, empty, and betrayed." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word obtuse
"'No, he's not. He's in Seattle,' I said. Willfully obtuse." -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word jowly
'His accent was still thick and his face still handsome, in a jowly kind of way.' -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word steely
"'I am as serious as the grave,' Bill said, and he sounded so steely, I made a major effort to change my attitude. -Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris
February 5, 2011
100000232338334 commented on the word subservience
"You hit him, because you are proud, and his subservience disgusted and excited you." -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word stalwart
"Who is this stalwart brave gripping you?" Callisto moved a little closer. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word Lycra
Judging from the state of Eric's Lycra, I succeeded. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word canted
It canted sharply downhill. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word élan
Eric drove with great zest and elan--and the recklessness of someone extremely hard to kill. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word apropos
I could hardly say, "are screwing," however apropos it might be. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word abashed
"Oh, you've heard that before," I said, a little abashed. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word maunder
I had a lot of time to maunder on and on through similar dead-end thought patterns, since Bill was having a rip-roaring good time at the party. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word dithery
My thoughts wandered in a dithery circle around the miserable couple in the upstairs bedroom. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word pinked
They all are, and I'd pinked Stan in his pride. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word adage
There should be an adage, proud as a vampire. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word temerity
Stan raised his light eyebrows at my temerity. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word boudain
"Though at the moment I feel more like boudain." Boudain is Cajun sausage, made of all kinds of things, none of them elegant. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word expostulated
She expostulated in another language. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word contentious
There was lots of conversation outside the window, most of it contentious. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word espouse
Those people who didn't espouse the more extreme measures of the Fellowship were going to get a real wake-up call tonight. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word immolation
"We shouldn't force him into immolation." -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word edified
"I know this world has plenty of bad people and bad vampires, but I don't believe the majority of the people in this country, or for that matter just here in Texas, would be edified by the sight of a screaming woman burning to death." -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word reprisals
I knew then that he would kill me if he could, no matter what reprisals he faced. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word brooked
His voice brooked no discussion, and Sarah opened the door to disclose a bare little room with two chairs and two cots. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word self-deprecating
I clung to Hugo's arm and tried to smile in a charming but self-deprecating way. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word jettisoned
I jettisoned my previous plans. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word ruefulness
She looked at us with charming ruefulness. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word resolute
The contact made Hugo's mind just that more open to me, and I could tell that he was anxious but resolute. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word thrall
He might be in sexual thrall to Isabel, he might even love her and the danger she represented, but I didn't think his heart and mind were wholly committed to her. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word livery
The two guards on duty at the moment were both huge, and wearing the black livery of the hotel. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word exorbitant
This was why the fee for the hotel was exorbitant. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word snicked
The elevator snicked open when I touched the call button, and I rode down by myself. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word snit
In a real snit, I stomped into the bedroom to put on my bathrobe. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word porte cochere
"Thank you," I said politely when we pulled under the porte cochere of the hotel. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word bailiwick
I was glad I had found the bug and proved myself useful otherwise, or I wouldn't last long in Stan's bailiwick. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word petulant
A wig in this heat. Oh, hell. I tried not to look petulant. After all, it would be better to have an itchy head than to be identified as a woman who associated with vampires. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word ennui
Now I learn from Bill that there were vampires who became afflicted with terrible remorse, or perhaps ennui, after a long life. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word untoward
"Did anything else untoward happen?" Bill sounded just a wee bit dry. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word zydeco
I knew no one could be standing outside the door listening; after, all, the bar was as noisy as usual, with the jukebox wailing a zydeco tune and the bellowing of people who'd had few drinks. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word doffed
I unbuttoned it slowly, knowing Bill's eyes were watching my hands move down the buttons, pulling the shirt apart a little more each time. Finally, I doffed it and stood there in Pam's white underwear. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word acumen
She was a pretty blond vampire I'd met a couple of times before, a sensible sort of individual with considerable business acumen. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word bourre
I was ashamed of that, since after all, we were there because a man we knew had died, but it was undeniable that after straightening up the storeroom, cleaning out Sam's office, and playing several hands of bourre (Sam won five dollars and change) we were all ready to see someone new. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word mince
If felt strange to be going about the opening routine, just as if Lafayette were going to mince in any minute with a story about some party he'd been to, the way he had a few days before. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word soused
"Well, he's soused, all right," she said, evaluating her brother. -Charlaine Harris, Living Dead in Dallas
December 11, 2010
100000232338334 commented on the word Tao
The Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff
August 18, 2010