1246884822 commented on the word alternate history
they left out time-travel. There are two types of alternate history stories, "pure" alternate history, and time travel induced divergences.
June 2, 2011
1246884822 commented on the word downtime
see uptime for sf uses.
1246884822 commented on the word uptime
uptime and downtime in science fiction alternate history stories refer to the source period of a time traveler and the destination period. From it are then derived uptimers and downtimers.
Comments by 1246884822
1246884822 commented on the word alternate history
they left out time-travel. There are two types of alternate history stories, "pure" alternate history, and time travel induced divergences.
June 2, 2011
1246884822 commented on the word downtime
see uptime for sf uses.
June 2, 2011
1246884822 commented on the word uptime
uptime and downtime in science fiction alternate history stories refer to the source period of a time traveler and the destination period. From it are then derived uptimers and downtimers.
June 2, 2011