I would like to see the wordie community able to link certain words to each other as synonym, antonyms, homonyms, etc.
There could be links to the associated words under the appropriate category in the word's page.
Also, word forms could be grouped together. One could group together, for example, prescient and prescience. Instead of one being listed 9 times and the other 12 times, both could be shown as listed 21 times.
All of these could be managed by the community. For example, any user could link a certain word to another or group words, but a certain number of members objecting to the action could negate it. Almost like wikipedia, but not quite :).
Forgive me if these have already been suggested, as I suspect they may have.
"Everyone knows the fatuous verdict of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who, asked for an actual example of when it would be proper to limit speech or defy it as an action, gave the example of shouting fire in a crowded theater." -Christopher Hitchens
Comments by abiohphobia
abiohphobia commented on the word deifenestration
wouldnt it be dedeifenestration? or deidefenestration? oh hell, it's your word... love it.
April 17, 2008
abiohphobia commented on the word topiary
such a fine word. just rolls off the tongue
April 14, 2008
abiohphobia commented on the list the-color-perple
perception? or does that fall under perceive?
November 22, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word ante-jentacular
ante-jentacular coitus is the best.
November 12, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the list sounds-like-a-letter
elle, owe
November 1, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word vestibule
also a part of the bone of the inner ear
October 31, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the list the-color-perple
October 30, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word prurient
it's from a poem entitled 'bubble baths and crystal meth'
October 29, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word ad nauseum
correct spelling: ad nauseam
October 29, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the list coruscate-coruscate-little-star
lambent, lustrous, refulgent
October 29, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word prurient
"...at times the shock presents as an imploding clock -
a Dali-esque reminder that if we invented Time (and
hoo! we did) we could invent alternatives far more sublime -
and truer to the prurient experience of ogling Eternity:
close enough for us to sense its meat."
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the list nuts-to-you
doughnut ;)
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
awesome list
how bout caramel
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word fortuitous
\fȯr-ˈtü-ə-təs, -ˈtyü-, fər-\
Latin fortuitus; akin to Latin fort-, fors chance
1: occurring by chance
a: fortunate, lucky
b: coming or happening by a lucky chance
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word chattel
Middle English chatel- property, from Anglo-French, common root with cattle
1 : an item of tangible movable or immovable property except real estate and things (as buildings) connected with real property
2 : slave, bondsman
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word features
I would like to see the wordie community able to link certain words to each other as synonym, antonyms, homonyms, etc.
There could be links to the associated words under the appropriate category in the word's page.
Also, word forms could be grouped together. One could group together, for example, prescient and prescience. Instead of one being listed 9 times and the other 12 times, both could be shown as listed 21 times.
All of these could be managed by the community. For example, any user could link a certain word to another or group words, but a certain number of members objecting to the action could negate it. Almost like wikipedia, but not quite :).
Forgive me if these have already been suggested, as I suspect they may have.
October 27, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word scry
I once lost a game of scrabble because this word was not in the dictionary we had on hand. And it was a nice big thick one too.
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word ogle
I'm glad to see Merriam Webster listing both pronunciations; I had a friend who always gave me shit because I prefer the latter.
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word ogle
\ˈ�?-gəl also ˈä-\
probably from Low German oegeln, from oog eye; akin to Old High German ouga eye
intransitive verb : to glance with amorous invitation or challenge
transitive verb 1 : to eye amorously or provocatively 2 : to look at especially with greedy or interested attention
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word fatuous
\ˈfa-chü-əs, -tyü-\
Latin fatuus foolish
adj. complacently or inanely foolish
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word fatuous
"Everyone knows the fatuous verdict of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who, asked for an actual example of when it would be proper to limit speech or defy it as an action, gave the example of shouting fire in a crowded theater." -Christopher Hitchens
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word auscultate
"Giving money to homeless people is like auscultating a dead sheep's heart." -George W. Bush
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word auscultate
Latin auscultation-, auscultatio act of listening, from auscultare to listen; akin to Latin auris
v. to listen to sounds arising within organs (as the lungs) as an aid to diagnosis and treatment
October 24, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the user edwardvielmetti
I saw your citation for winsome from the Chris Smither song. I love that song. Nice reference.
October 22, 2007
abiohphobia commented on the word abiohphobia
Abiohphobia n.
A fear of palindromes.
October 22, 2007