adirgeforher commented on the list music---all-terms
April 14, 2015
adirgeforher commented on the word ephemeris
In astronomy and celestial navigation, an ephemeris gives the positions of naturally occurring astronomical objects as well as artificial satellites in the sky at a given time or times.
April 5, 2014
adirgeforher commented on the list universal--2
catholic is not universal, sorry
March 20, 2013
adirgeforher commented on the list verba-ut-pertineant-ad-absens
is this one supposed to be abstract
adirgeforher commented on the user biocon
ah your lists are amazing!
adirgeforher commented on the list intellectual-ammunition
yes :)
Comments by adirgeforher
adirgeforher commented on the list music---all-terms
April 14, 2015
adirgeforher commented on the word ephemeris
In astronomy and celestial navigation, an ephemeris gives the positions of naturally occurring astronomical objects as well as artificial satellites in the sky at a given time or times.
April 5, 2014
adirgeforher commented on the list universal--2
catholic is not universal, sorry
March 20, 2013
adirgeforher commented on the list verba-ut-pertineant-ad-absens
is this one supposed to be abstract
March 20, 2013
adirgeforher commented on the user biocon
ah your lists are amazing!
March 20, 2013
adirgeforher commented on the list intellectual-ammunition
yes :)
March 20, 2013