bucket shop - another meaning of bucket shop in the UK (non-derogatory) is an airline aggregator - a shop or business which sources and sells cheap flights - probably redundant with the invention of the internet.
pyrrhic - you quote a number of examples of the use of pyrrhic in the sense most commonly seen - pyrrhic victory i.e. a victory at such cost it was probably not worth winning and yet you do not give that sense as one of the definitions of the word????
Comments by alasdair17
alasdair17 commented on the user alasdair17
bucket shop - another meaning of bucket shop in the UK (non-derogatory) is an airline aggregator - a shop or business which sources and sells cheap flights - probably redundant with the invention of the internet.
June 5, 2012
alasdair17 commented on the word pyrrhic
pyrrhic - you quote a number of examples of the use of pyrrhic in the sense most commonly seen - pyrrhic victory i.e. a victory at such cost it was probably not worth winning and yet you do not give that sense as one of the definitions of the word????
June 5, 2012