allegria has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 9 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 2 words.
Comments for allegria
Hi Allegria! When you're logged in, you can add any word to your favorites list just by "love"-ing it (click on the LOVE link to show a word some love). Your favorites can then be seen here:
If you want to make another list (say, Allegria's Wordarama), choose "New List" from the drop-down (click on your username in the black menu bar).
I hope this helps!
Thank you fellow wordgeeks! How does one create a favorte list? I love braggadoccio, snarky, and kerfuffle and I sometimes suffer from googleheimers
Comments by allegria
allegria commented on the user allegria
Thank you fellow wordgeeks! How does one create a favorte list? I love braggadoccio, snarky, and kerfuffle and I sometimes suffer from googleheimers
January 23, 2012