AllisonSylvester commented on the word glaikery
foolish conduct
"The childs glaikery was a distraction to other students in the classroom"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word gamp
a large umbrella
"We used my gamp as it poured on us on the way to our car"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word fagin
a person who trains others in crimes especially children
"The teenager was a fagin to my younger brother as he taught him to steal"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word delitescent
hidden or concealed
"Her car keys were delitescent under the couch"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word dejerate
to take on oath or swear something
"The victim dejerated that he was not the murderer of the crime"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word cromulent
acceptable or legitimate
"His answer to the test question was cromulent"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word concinnous
neat and eloquent
"The formal work meeting was very concinnous"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word chantage
"They used chantage to threaten the robber"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word boeotian
"Her personality was very boeotian"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word agowilt
sudden sickening fear
"She had an agowilt of heights"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word saprostomous
"after eating garlic, he had such terrible saprostomous that i could not stand close while he was talking"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word psithurism
"psithurism was heard on a windy night in the woods"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word nelipot
"sarah is a nelipot and does not wear shoes"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word knismesis
" Jeff was using a knismesis when playing around with his daughter"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word misocapnist
"a misocapnist does not enjoy when people smoke around them"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word petricher
"There was a scent of petricher after rain had began to sprinkle on the thirsty ground"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word agelast
"sam was an agelast, always seen with a serious face, and never cracked a laugh"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word autotonsorialist
"the autotonsorialist was trimming her own hair at her barber shop"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word felicific
"the felicific puppy made the old woman smile very big"
AllisonSylvester commented on the word confiscable
"The woman's purse was subject to be confiscable"
Comments by allisonsylvester
AllisonSylvester commented on the word glaikery
foolish conduct
"The childs glaikery was a distraction to other students in the classroom"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word gamp
a large umbrella
"We used my gamp as it poured on us on the way to our car"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word fagin
a person who trains others in crimes especially children
"The teenager was a fagin to my younger brother as he taught him to steal"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word delitescent
hidden or concealed
"Her car keys were delitescent under the couch"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word dejerate
to take on oath or swear something
"The victim dejerated that he was not the murderer of the crime"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word cromulent
acceptable or legitimate
"His answer to the test question was cromulent"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word concinnous
neat and eloquent
"The formal work meeting was very concinnous"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word chantage
"They used chantage to threaten the robber"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word boeotian
"Her personality was very boeotian"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word agowilt
sudden sickening fear
"She had an agowilt of heights"
November 1, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word saprostomous
"after eating garlic, he had such terrible saprostomous that i could not stand close while he was talking"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word psithurism
"psithurism was heard on a windy night in the woods"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word nelipot
"sarah is a nelipot and does not wear shoes"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word knismesis
" Jeff was using a knismesis when playing around with his daughter"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word misocapnist
"a misocapnist does not enjoy when people smoke around them"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word petricher
"There was a scent of petricher after rain had began to sprinkle on the thirsty ground"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word agelast
"sam was an agelast, always seen with a serious face, and never cracked a laugh"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word autotonsorialist
"the autotonsorialist was trimming her own hair at her barber shop"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word felicific
"the felicific puppy made the old woman smile very big"
September 30, 2010
AllisonSylvester commented on the word confiscable
"The woman's purse was subject to be confiscable"
September 30, 2010