eutely--possessing an exact number of cells at maturity, growth comes only from cell enlargement. All mature members of the species will have the same number of cells. WIERD!
appears in the iphone game Moxie; a fun word game. It's also frustrating because it exclaims "twaddle!" at you when you enter a word which it doesn't recognize, but that actually is a word!
Comments by ambyellen
ambyellen commented on the list april-2011
I heard this word listening to Rush Limbaugh. Say what you want about him, the man has an insatiable appetite for vocabulary!
April 27, 2011
ambyellen commented on the word compersion
this is such a useful word.
May 3, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word cha
also short for cha-cha, which bikini waxing blogger formerly fun calls vaginas. I find it hilarious.
May 3, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word xylophagy
eating wood (hee-hee)
April 13, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word detritivore
If you like to eat delicious, decaying organic matter, you might be a detritivore!
April 13, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word eutely
eutely--possessing an exact number of cells at maturity, growth comes only from cell enlargement. All mature members of the species will have the same number of cells. WIERD!
April 13, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word haruspex
If only I had the opportunity to use this word in normal conversation...
April 9, 2010
ambyellen commented on the word sects
denominations are the sects!
July 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word twaddle
appears in the iphone game Moxie; a fun word game. It's also frustrating because it exclaims "twaddle!" at you when you enter a word which it doesn't recognize, but that actually is a word!
July 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word thrombosis
It gives me a thrombbing headache!
July 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word shaolin
shao...Mount Shaoshi, a mountain in the songshan mountain range and lin which means forest.
July 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word jesus mode
a video game cheat that allows the user to walk on water
July 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word gaesoju
a mixed drink that includes dog meat and other herbal ingredients used in Oriental medicine such as antlers.
July 18, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word bosintang
korean soup made from dog meat
July 18, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word gaegogi
korean for dog meat. watch out for this word on your menu
July 18, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word occupatile
June 14, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word the world's most interesting man
Should be "the most interesting man in the world"
June 14, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word delish
this one makes me want to kill people
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word fard
also, v. to paint the face with cosmetics, so as to hide blemishes.
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word garbist
(n.) One who is adept at engaging in polite behaviour.
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word homodoxian
(n.) A person who has the same opinion as you.
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word osculable
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word wonderclout
n. a showy but worthless object
May 31, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word vexilum
Latin; akin to Latin velum curtain, awning
1 : a square flag of the ancient Roman cavalry
2 : the web or vane of a feather
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word respue
to reject strongly
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word pronken
to prance like a goat
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word weel
basket for catching fish
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word divulsion
violent separation
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word distrix
split ends of hair
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word limosos
the urgent desire to eat chalk
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word hereism
faithfulness in marriage
May 30, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word rhematic
1. pertaining to the formation of words.
2. pertaining to the rheme of a sentence.
May 29, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word acolouthic
of, like or pertaining to an after-image or other after-sensation
May 29, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word galimatious
May 29, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word unipara
a woman who gave birth only once
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word unguiform
claw shaped
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word fantigue
anxiety or irritation
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word ignavia
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word voluted
1. a spiral or twisted formation or object.
2. Architecture. a spiral ornament, found esp. in the capitals of the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders.
3. Carpentry. a horizontal scrolled termination to the handrail of a stair.
4. Zoology.
a. a turn or whorl of a spiral shell.
b. any of various tropical marine gastropods of the family Volutidae, many species of which have shells prized for their coloration.
5. the spiral casing surrounding the impeller of a volute pump.
6. having a volute or rolled-up form.
7. Machinery.
a. spirally shaped or having a part so shaped.
b. moving in a circular way, esp. if combined with a lateral motion
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word volupty
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word thelytokous
producing only female offspring
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word insangelous
"to be equal to the angles" of...
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word indagatrix
obsolete, female investigator
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word illatration
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word umquile
pronounced "umwhile"
meaning formerly or previously
May 27, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word collogue
goodness! i love this word. I want to use it to refer to a conversation between secret lovers.
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word nice
a word which describes the accurate prophecies of Agnes Nutter
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word nosocomial
so many nosocomial shows on tv these days...
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word naissance
haha! good point. Let's go to the naissance faire!
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word sialagogue
my boyfriend is a sexy sialagogue
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word erudite
I learned this word thanks to Flight of the Conchords
May 23, 2009
ambyellen commented on the word vespertilian
I don't know when I'll ever use it, but it sure sounds awesome.
May 23, 2009