amerikanka commented on the word hendiadys
the expression of a single idea by two words, connected by "and" (e.g., "nice and warm!"), when one could be used to modify the other (e.g., "nicely warm!")
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word écrin
a casket for jewelry.
(one of those little plush jewelry boxes that snap open & shut)
amerikanka commented on the word omphalos
The centre, heart, or hub of a place, organization, sphere of activity, etc
In the temple of Apollo at Delphi: a sacred stone of a rounded conical shape, supposed to mark the centre of the earth
A raised prominence in the base of a cup, dish, etc
amerikanka commented on the word aptronym
a name aptly suited to its owner
amerikanka commented on the word hypotyposis
Vivid description of a scene, event, or situation, bringing it, as it were, before the eyes of the hearer or reader
amerikanka commented on the word obsablepsia
the inability or fear of looking other people in the eye
amerikanka commented on the word prosopopeia
A rhetorical figure by which an imaginary or absent person is represented as speaking or acting; the introduction of a pretended speaker.
Comments by amerikanka
amerikanka commented on the word hendiadys
the expression of a single idea by two words, connected by "and" (e.g., "nice and warm!"), when one could be used to modify the other (e.g., "nicely warm!")
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word écrin
a casket for jewelry.
(one of those little plush jewelry boxes that snap open & shut)
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word omphalos
The centre, heart, or hub of a place, organization, sphere of activity, etc
In the temple of Apollo at Delphi: a sacred stone of a rounded conical shape, supposed to mark the centre of the earth
A raised prominence in the base of a cup, dish, etc
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word aptronym
a name aptly suited to its owner
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word hypotyposis
Vivid description of a scene, event, or situation, bringing it, as it were, before the eyes of the hearer or reader
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word obsablepsia
the inability or fear of looking other people in the eye
February 25, 2008
amerikanka commented on the word prosopopeia
A rhetorical figure by which an imaginary or absent person is represented as speaking or acting; the introduction of a pretended speaker.
February 25, 2008