"I would almost be tempted is not for the contempt she has shown for her readership."
—7 Things That Could Go Wrong On Election Day - Swampland - TIME.com
First, it is taken from a comment to the cited TIME column, and this should be indicated. Second, the word is is clearly incorrect, and would better be followed by sic.
I suspect that this definition for tolled needs correction. It is not “simple past tense and past participle of tolled,” but “simple past tense and past participle of toll” (sans ‘ed’).
I'm no expert on early English printing (15th and early 16th century) but it seems to me that xij, xj, vij, vj, cij, cj, and related are simply numbers in roman numerals. The final i is often a j in the texts I have been reading. The examples here are consistent with that.
Comments by amphiboly
amphiboly commented on the word faculty
A different sense, from https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jan/30/mary-beard-the-cult-of:
The classics faculty in Cambridge is a modest, 1960s building on the leafy Sidgwick Avenue
Is this new, or simply synecdoche?
January 30, 2018
amphiboly commented on the word slangwanger
See Michael Quinion's World Wide Words 2013-07-27 for the definition (http://www.worldwidewords.org/nl/trlv.htm#N2)
This has my vote for a word to be restored to common use.
July 27, 2013
amphiboly commented on the word forsee
Typo (bad scan?) in Century def 2:
To sec; perceive.
should probably read:
To see; perceive.
November 28, 2011
amphiboly commented on the word tempted
The first example for tempted reads:
First, it is taken from a comment to the cited TIME column, and this should be indicated. Second, the word is is clearly incorrect, and would better be followed by sic.
December 28, 2010
amphiboly commented on the word tolled
I suspect that this definition for tolled needs correction. It is not “simple past tense and past participle of tolled,” but “simple past tense and past participle of toll” (sans ‘ed’).
December 14, 2010
amphiboly commented on the word xij
I'm no expert on early English printing (15th and early 16th century) but it seems to me that xij, xj, vij, vj, cij, cj, and related are simply numbers in roman numerals. The final i is often a j in the texts I have been reading. The examples here are consistent with that.
October 24, 2010