amydlite commented on the word abracadabrant
This is a beautiful word. I just like the way it feels in my mouth (and head) when I say
March 16, 2007
amydlite commented on the list words-that-are-fun-to-say-3
schedule is fun to say only with the Bristish pronunication
February 6, 2007
amydlite commented on the list ladytime
this is hilarious, disgusting, and somewhat insulting all at the same time. I love it!
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
uselessness, scintillating is brilliant! Thank you
ink, love svelte
amydlite commented on the word palaver
This reminds me of the Gunslinger
wow, takes too long to say for my taste. My dad says "mumped up" or simply, "got the mumps"
Andrew, moist is there
Inkhorn, that sounds sexy to you or more like a phrase that could be used for a sexual act? Cause I was going more for words that just ooze sex, if you will.
amydlite commented on the list words-i-don-t-like-to-hear-especially-in-a-song
Me either. I guess I didn't think of your list that way. Sorry. I did google it figuring someone, somewhere would have done it, if your interested:
How about pus?
amydlite commented on the list amydlite
These are words that I like "just because"
December 12, 2006
amydlite commented on the list i-do-not-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means
you should add the most common misuse of the word for more fun
Comments by amydlite
amydlite commented on the word abracadabrant
This is a beautiful word. I just like the way it feels in my mouth (and head) when I say
March 16, 2007
amydlite commented on the list words-that-are-fun-to-say-3
schedule is fun to say only with the Bristish pronunication
February 6, 2007
amydlite commented on the list ladytime
this is hilarious, disgusting, and somewhat insulting all at the same time. I love it!
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
uselessness, scintillating is brilliant! Thank you
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
ink, love svelte
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the word palaver
This reminds me of the Gunslinger
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-that-are-fun-to-say-3
wow, takes too long to say for my taste. My dad says "mumped up" or simply, "got the mumps"
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
Andrew, moist is there
Inkhorn, that sounds sexy to you or more like a phrase that could be used for a sexual act? Cause I was going more for words that just ooze sex, if you will.
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-i-don-t-like-to-hear-especially-in-a-song
Me either. I guess I didn't think of your list that way. Sorry. I did google it figuring someone, somewhere would have done it, if your interested:
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list words-i-don-t-like-to-hear-especially-in-a-song
How about pus?
December 14, 2006
amydlite commented on the list amydlite
These are words that I like "just because"
December 12, 2006
amydlite commented on the list i-do-not-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means
you should add the most common misuse of the word for more fun
December 12, 2006