AnitaLobo commented on the word punga
Punga pun-ga, pronounciation literal]: Hindi slang used liberally in spoken English in India.
Meaning: deliberately sparring/ teasing someone; not as serious as a fight.
Usage: Don't take punga with a cop i.e. Don't mess with a cop
June 8, 2009
Comments by anitalobo
AnitaLobo commented on the word punga
Punga pun-ga, pronounciation literal]: Hindi slang used liberally in spoken English in India.
Meaning: deliberately sparring/ teasing someone; not as serious as a fight.
Usage: Don't take punga with a cop i.e. Don't mess with a cop
June 8, 2009
AnitaLobo commented on the word punga
Punga pun-ga, pronounciation literal]: Hindi slang used liberally in spoken English in India.
Meaning: deliberately sparring/ teasing someone; not as serious as a fight.
Usage: Don't take punga with a cop i.e. Don't mess with a cop
June 8, 2009