apgarian commented on the word Nikhedonia
NIKE (greek goddess of victory) + HEDONE (pleasure)
June 17, 2014
"Nikhedonia is an obscure English word that refers to the pleasure that comes from anticipating success or good fortune" - Rob Brezsny
apgarian commented on the word mononym
Prince, Cher
September 9, 2009
apgarian commented on the word laconic
i always think of a high school skater boy who acts like he doesn't care by hardly nodding in response to things
September 6, 2009
apgarian commented on the word lagniappe
like swag, right?
apgarian commented on the word verglas
thin layer of ice coating a rocky surface or path
apgarian commented on the word chak
tossing the head frequently, like when a horse tosses his head because of an uncomfortable bridle
Comments by apgarian
apgarian commented on the word Nikhedonia
NIKE (greek goddess of victory) + HEDONE (pleasure)
June 17, 2014
apgarian commented on the word Nikhedonia
"Nikhedonia is an obscure English word that refers to the pleasure that comes from anticipating success or good fortune" - Rob Brezsny
June 17, 2014
apgarian commented on the word mononym
Prince, Cher
September 9, 2009
apgarian commented on the word laconic
i always think of a high school skater boy who acts like he doesn't care by hardly nodding in response to things
September 6, 2009
apgarian commented on the word lagniappe
like swag, right?
September 6, 2009
apgarian commented on the word verglas
thin layer of ice coating a rocky surface or path
September 6, 2009
apgarian commented on the word chak
tossing the head frequently, like when a horse tosses his head because of an uncomfortable bridle
September 6, 2009