arasbaras commented on the word sui generis
sem semelhanca com nenhum outro; unico no seu genero; original; peculiar; singular
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word ipso facto
como consequencia obrigatoria do facto; por isso mesmo
arasbaras commented on the word fictum
- fictive, fiction, falsehood
- a figment of the mind
arasbaras commented on the word fictio
The attribution of rational traits to non-rational creatures.
arasbaras commented on the word hypostatize (hypostasize US)
verb: treat or represent (something abstract) as a concrete reality.
"if religion is beyond speech or predication, as Gandhi affirms, can it be hypostasized?"
arasbaras commented on the word coterminus
having the same or coincident boundaries - a voting district coterminous with the city coextensive in scope or duration
January 6, 2015
arasbaras commented on the word shogunate
military dictatorship
December 18, 2014
arasbaras commented on the word paragnosticism
found here:
arasbaras commented on the word helter skelter
1. In disorderly haste; confusedly; pell-mell.
2. Haphazardly.
1. Carelessly hurried and confused.
2. Haphazard.
Turmoil; confusion.
December 11, 2014
arasbaras commented on the list dickens-our-mutual-friend
Book 3 and Book 4
December 3, 2014
Comments by arasbaras
arasbaras commented on the word sui generis
sem semelhanca com nenhum outro; unico no seu genero; original; peculiar; singular
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word ipso facto
como consequencia obrigatoria do facto; por isso mesmo
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word fictum
- fictive, fiction, falsehood
- a figment of the mind
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word fictio
The attribution of rational traits to non-rational creatures.
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word hypostatize (hypostasize US)
verb: treat or represent (something abstract) as a concrete reality.
"if religion is beyond speech or predication, as Gandhi affirms, can it be hypostasized?"
February 18, 2016
arasbaras commented on the word coterminus
having the same or coincident boundaries - a voting district coterminous with the city coextensive in scope or duration
January 6, 2015
arasbaras commented on the word shogunate
military dictatorship
December 18, 2014
arasbaras commented on the word paragnosticism
found here:
December 18, 2014
arasbaras commented on the word helter skelter
1. In disorderly haste; confusedly; pell-mell.
2. Haphazardly.
1. Carelessly hurried and confused.
2. Haphazard.
Turmoil; confusion.
December 11, 2014
arasbaras commented on the list dickens-our-mutual-friend
Book 3 and Book 4
December 3, 2014