atreyu commented on the word tr(i)be
All of the multiple internal selves that make up the whole of YOU. Your inner tribe or tr(I)be
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word pugnacious
"inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative."
atreyu commented on the word social parasite
someone who takes more from their community than they give back.
someone who does not contribute to their society or friends, but instead operates from a place of scarcity and takes all that they can get without reciprocation.
atreyu commented on the word youniverse
YOUniverse - the entire world you create for yourself especially including the internal experience of your thoughts and emotions.
atreyu commented on the word namaste
atreyu commented on the word anicha
it will pass. All will pass.
original source: Buddhism
atreyu commented on the word gadoosh
A moment when all things come together perfectly in a way that seems like the universe must have conspired to make it so.
original source: Kung Fu Panda
atreyu commented on the word werewolf vegetarian
A vegetarian who chooses to eat meat only on the full moon.
atreyu commented on the word amplivate
the use of sound (most commonly in dance celebration) to raise the vibration of a crowd.
atreyu commented on the word jambo
Glad our paths have crossed, in this most awesome of all Adventures, called life!
also Swahili for hello
original source:
atreyu commented on the word sonic bloom
When a music and movement based celebration reaches such levels of joy that EVERYone levels up into a higher vibration.
March 14, 2009
Comments by atreyu
atreyu commented on the word tr(i)be
All of the multiple internal selves that make up the whole of YOU. Your inner tribe or tr(I)be
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word pugnacious
"inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative."
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word social parasite
someone who takes more from their community than they give back.
someone who does not contribute to their society or friends, but instead operates from a place of scarcity and takes all that they can get without reciprocation.
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word youniverse
YOUniverse - the entire world you create for yourself especially including the internal experience of your thoughts and emotions.
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word namaste
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word anicha
it will pass. All will pass.
original source: Buddhism
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word gadoosh
A moment when all things come together perfectly in a way that seems like the universe must have conspired to make it so.
original source: Kung Fu Panda
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word werewolf vegetarian
A vegetarian who chooses to eat meat only on the full moon.
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word amplivate
the use of sound (most commonly in dance celebration) to raise the vibration of a crowd.
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word jambo
Glad our paths have crossed, in this most awesome of all Adventures, called life!
also Swahili for hello
original source:
March 25, 2009
atreyu commented on the word sonic bloom
When a music and movement based celebration reaches such levels of joy that EVERYone levels up into a higher vibration.
March 14, 2009