"Coming from the vegetarian. Only weggebobbles and fruit. Don't eat a beefsteak. If you do the eyes of that cow will pursue you through all eternity. They say it's healthier." (U8.534)
I've always liked this word, and a couple of years ago I met this lovely man via MySpace who was a musician and singer in a band called Bionic in the UK (Manchester) in the mid 90s. They never really got lift off, but they were pretty good if you dig New Order, The Wedding Present, and emotionally complex lyrics.
Anyway, one of his songs featured the lyrics "I feel your rancour," and it struck me that I had never heard that word used in a song. It's a powerful and specific word.
I've always liked this word, and a couple of years ago I met this lovely man via MySpace who was a musician and singer in a band called Bionic in the UK (Manchester) in the mid 90s. They never really got lift off, but they were pretty good if you dig New Order, The Wedding Present, and emotionally complex lyrics.
Anyway, one of his songs featured the lyrics "I feel your rancour," and it struck me that I had never heard that word used in a song. It's a powerful and specific word.
Comments by awfulbliss
awfulbliss commented on the word scherzi
Excellent Scrabble/Lexulous word :)
April 5, 2011
awfulbliss commented on the word sounddreck
Sounddreck -- noun; a genuinely horrible sound track for a movie or television show, series, or event.
Usage: "I cannot believe how bad the 2010 Vancouver Olympics sounddreck really is."
March 1, 2010
awfulbliss commented on the word weggebobble
From Ulysses:
"Coming from the vegetarian. Only weggebobbles and fruit. Don't eat a beefsteak. If you do the eyes of that cow will pursue you through all eternity. They say it's healthier." (U8.534)
February 3, 2010
awfulbliss commented on the word quim
Love playing this word in Scrabble...took a Scotsman to know it was a vulgarity. Bless him, I love him :)
June 28, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the word waft
I love the way the word is spelled, how it feels, and the fact that it reminds me of Louisiana where I grew up.
June 27, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the user bilby
Hello, and thanks! I love words and peole who love them too. Y'all are so nice on this site.
(Yes, I am a southerner :)
June 23, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the user john
Hello, and thanks, and always good to meet another GbV fan :)
This is a cool site...I can see losing many hours here over the next few days until I figure it all out.
Can't believe it took me this long to find your site.
Hooray! Thanks-
June 23, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the word fiar
Fi"ar\ (? or ?), n.
1. (Scots Law) One in whom the property of an estate is vested, subject to the estate of a life renter.
I am fiar of the lands; she a life renter. --Sir W. Scott.
2. pl. The price of grain, as legally fixed, in the counties of Scotland, for the current year.
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fiar
I am also collecting Scottishisms here...maybe I need a separate list.
June 23, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the word rancour
I've always liked this word, and a couple of years ago I met this lovely man via MySpace who was a musician and singer in a band called Bionic in the UK (Manchester) in the mid 90s. They never really got lift off, but they were pretty good if you dig New Order, The Wedding Present, and emotionally complex lyrics.
Anyway, one of his songs featured the lyrics "I feel your rancour," and it struck me that I had never heard that word used in a song. It's a powerful and specific word.
June 23, 2008
awfulbliss commented on the word rancour
I've always liked this word, and a couple of years ago I met this lovely man via MySpace who was a musician and singer in a band called Bionic in the UK (Manchester) in the mid 90s. They never really got lift off, but they were pretty good if you dig New Order, The Wedding Present, and emotionally complex lyrics.
Anyway, one of his songs featured the lyrics "I feel your rancour," and it struck me that I had never heard that word used in a song. It's a powerful and specific word.
June 23, 2008