1. to scramble on hands and feet. 2. to obtain by scratching. 3. to crawl, scramble, or move hurriedly, to hurry in a task. --from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English
these are a way of showing a long route so a track can be retraced or people found if we go in to unexplored teritories. Patterans must be made from natural objects placed in a way that is cearly recognised. Patterans can be made from pinecones, stones, sticks, nuts, pebbledash stones, matches, or marks in the mud or soil. take care not to place patterans where they may be spoiled by other people walking on them. Small pieces of paper can be used if they are a natural colour and are no bigger that 10mm by 40 mm. These can be prepared in advance, and kept in plastic bags ready for when they are needed.
"They began to come upon from time to time small cairns of rock by the roadside. The were signs in gypsy language, lost patterans." --from "The Road," by Cormac McCarthy.
Comments by azd
azd commented on the word befrogged
means "gilded or adorned with decorative braids."
March 27, 2008
azd commented on the word firk
v. t. 1. To beat; to strike; to chastise.
"I'll fer him, and firk him, and ferret him."-Shakespeare.
v. i. 1.To fly out; to turn out; to go off.
"A wench is a rare bait, with which a man
No sooner's taken but he straight firks mad." -B.Jonson.
n. 1. A freak; trick; quirk.
September 24, 2007
azd commented on the word scravel
1. to scramble on hands and feet. 2. to obtain by scratching. 3. to crawl, scramble, or move hurriedly, to hurry in a task. --from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English
September 24, 2007
azd commented on the word qulliq
The qulliq is a seal oil lamp and stove of the old days.
September 24, 2007
azd commented on the word vermiculate
also vermicular or vermiculated
April 19, 2007
azd commented on the word tidewrack
seaweed and similar marine vegetation and rubbish deposited along a shore by a receding tide
April 19, 2007
azd commented on the word patterans
these are a way of showing a long route so a track can be retraced or people found if we go in to unexplored teritories. Patterans must be made from natural objects placed in a way that is cearly recognised. Patterans can be made from pinecones, stones, sticks, nuts, pebbledash stones, matches, or marks in the mud or soil. take care not to place patterans where they may be spoiled by other people walking on them. Small pieces of paper can be used if they are a natural colour and are no bigger that 10mm by 40 mm. These can be prepared in advance, and kept in plastic bags ready for when they are needed.
"They began to come upon from time to time small cairns of rock by the roadside. The were signs in gypsy language, lost patterans." --from "The Road," by Cormac McCarthy.
April 19, 2007
azd commented on the word ars longa, vita brevis
Latin for "Life's short, art's long."
April 11, 2007
azd commented on the word nitty
"One of his eyes was burnt shut, and his hair was but a nitty wig of ash upon his blackened skull." -Cormac McCarthy, "The Road"
April 10, 2007
azd commented on the word ecouteur
One who obtains erotic gratification through listening to sexual accounts.
April 9, 2007
azd commented on the word cacation
April 8, 2007
azd commented on the word spiel
verb, to reel off; recite : he solemnly spieled all he knew.
April 8, 2007
azd commented on the word rum
adjective, meaning odd or peculiar
March 31, 2007
azd commented on the word jilt
noun: one who capriciously or unfeelingly drops a lover.
March 14, 2007
azd commented on the word isochronal
also isochronous
March 14, 2007
azd commented on the word teched
also tetched
March 13, 2007
azd commented on the word gorse
see furze
March 6, 2007
azd commented on the word garner
noun, meaning 1. Granary or grain bin, or 2. something that is collected, an accumulation.
March 6, 2007
azd commented on the word euchre
as in cheat or trick
February 26, 2007
azd commented on the word djinni
var. of jinni
February 26, 2007
azd commented on the word diligence
February 24, 2007
azd commented on the word defile
as in a narrow passage or gorge
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word cure'
a parish priest
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word cope
As in "a long enveloping ecclesiastical garment" or "something resembling a cope (as by covering or concealing).
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word cheder
var. of heder
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word chaff
note the verb form, meaning to tease good-naturedly; jest, banter.
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word buster
plow, short for broncobuster
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word burnoose
or burnouse
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word blowsy
also blowzy
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word bister
or bistre
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word bilharzia
February 23, 2007
azd commented on the word beldame
or beldam
February 23, 2007