beatricks commented on the word swarf
Swar -- wait for it -- f.
August 25, 2009
beatricks commented on the word clapperclaw
I'd like to see more example sentences with this most excellent of verbs.
beatricks commented on the word eid ma clack shaw
The perfect song.
August 4, 2009
beatricks commented on the word fleer
I added it for the meaning "to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly, to mock or deride," not the prosaic "flee-er."
December 6, 2007
beatricks commented on the word periphrastic
October 28, 2007
Comments by beatricks
beatricks commented on the word swarf
Swar -- wait for it -- f.
August 25, 2009
beatricks commented on the word clapperclaw
I'd like to see more example sentences with this most excellent of verbs.
August 25, 2009
beatricks commented on the word eid ma clack shaw
The perfect song.
August 4, 2009
beatricks commented on the word fleer
I added it for the meaning "to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly, to mock or deride," not the prosaic "flee-er."
December 6, 2007
beatricks commented on the word periphrastic
October 28, 2007