System of scientific management advocated by Fred W. Taylor. In Taylor's view, the task of factory management was to determine the best way for the worker to do the job, to provide the proper tools and training, and to provide incentives for good performance. He broke each job down into its individual motions, analyzed these to determine which were essential, and timed the workers with a stopwatch. With unnecessary motion eliminated, the worker, following a machinelike routine, became far more productive. See also production management, time-and-motion study.
In critical theory and deconstruction, logocentrism is a phrase coined by the German philosopher Ludwig Klages in the 1920s to refer to the perceived tendency of Western thought to locate the center of any text or discourse within the logos (a Greek word meaning word, reason, or spirit). Jacques Derrida used the term to characterize most of Western philosophy since Plato: a constant search for the "truth."
Logocentrism is often confused with phonocentrism, which more specifically refers to the privileging of speech over writing.
Logocentrism is manifested in the works of Plato, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and many other philosophers of the Western tradition, all of whom regard speech as superior to writing (believing writing only represents or archives speech), but who more generally wish to establish a foundational presence of Logos or "reason" obtained from an origin of all knowledge (e.g., God or the universe).
Several examples of this phenomenon may be observed through the privileging of:
speech over writing
presence over absence
identity over difference
fullness over emptiness
meaning over meaninglessness
mastery over submission
life over death
lightness over darkness
Jacques Derrida argued in his Of Grammatology (translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and published in English in 1976) that, in each such case, the first term is classically conceived as original, authentic, and superior, while the second is thought of as secondary, derivative, "given" or even "parasitic." Derrida believed that to overcome logocentric thinking, we should think of ourselves as a "rapport to the Other." That is, the "now" manifested as meaning through ourselves is always interconnected with various meanings throughout time. For this reason, Derrida privileged writing over speech.
A mesostic is a poem or other typography such that a vertical phrase intersects lines of horizontal text. Similar to an acrostic, but with the vertical phrase intersecting the middle of the line, as opposed to beginning each new line.
The practice of using of using index words to select pieces from a preexisting text was developed by Jackson Mac Low as "diastics". It was used extensively by the experimental composer John Cage
Comments by belkjoseph
belkjoseph commented on the word fin-de-siecle
(adj) fin de siecle (relating to or characteristic of the end of a century (especially the end of the 19th century)) "fin de siecle art"
January 20, 2009
belkjoseph commented on the word taylorism
System of scientific management advocated by Fred W. Taylor. In Taylor's view, the task of factory management was to determine the best way for the worker to do the job, to provide the proper tools and training, and to provide incentives for good performance. He broke each job down into its individual motions, analyzed these to determine which were essential, and timed the workers with a stopwatch. With unnecessary motion eliminated, the worker, following a machinelike routine, became far more productive. See also production management, time-and-motion study.
November 28, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word arrivant
arriver, arrival, someone who has just arrived
November 28, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word merz
Kurt Schwitters "a psychological collage" made of fragments of found objects.
September 22, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word jetztzeit
"time with the presence of now" Walter Benjamin
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word logocentricism
In critical theory and deconstruction, logocentrism is a phrase coined by the German philosopher Ludwig Klages in the 1920s to refer to the perceived tendency of Western thought to locate the center of any text or discourse within the logos (a Greek word meaning word, reason, or spirit). Jacques Derrida used the term to characterize most of Western philosophy since Plato: a constant search for the "truth."
Logocentrism is often confused with phonocentrism, which more specifically refers to the privileging of speech over writing.
Logocentrism is manifested in the works of Plato, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and many other philosophers of the Western tradition, all of whom regard speech as superior to writing (believing writing only represents or archives speech), but who more generally wish to establish a foundational presence of Logos or "reason" obtained from an origin of all knowledge (e.g., God or the universe).
Several examples of this phenomenon may be observed through the privileging of:
speech over writing
presence over absence
identity over difference
fullness over emptiness
meaning over meaninglessness
mastery over submission
life over death
lightness over darkness
Jacques Derrida argued in his Of Grammatology (translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and published in English in 1976) that, in each such case, the first term is classically conceived as original, authentic, and superior, while the second is thought of as secondary, derivative, "given" or even "parasitic." Derrida believed that to overcome logocentric thinking, we should think of ourselves as a "rapport to the Other." That is, the "now" manifested as meaning through ourselves is always interconnected with various meanings throughout time. For this reason, Derrida privileged writing over speech.
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word mesostic
A mesostic is a poem or other typography such that a vertical phrase intersects lines of horizontal text. Similar to an acrostic, but with the vertical phrase intersecting the middle of the line, as opposed to beginning each new line.
The practice of using of using index words to select pieces from a preexisting text was developed by Jackson Mac Low as "diastics". It was used extensively by the experimental composer John Cage
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word agregation
a civil service competetive examination (ranking by grade for civil service/college admissions) egalitarian in theory
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word autography
something written or made with one's own hand 2. an original manuscript or work of art
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word aporia
ah poor ria- a philosophical puzzle or state of puzzlement in rhetoric, a rhetorically useful expression of doubt
September 17, 2008
belkjoseph commented on the word antinomies
an/tin/omy- a fundamental and apparently unresolvable conflict or contradiction (equally valid on both sides)
September 17, 2008