bestiary has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 6 lists, listed 120 words, written 223 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for bestiary
"bestiary has created 6 lists, listed 120 words, written 223 comments, and added 61 tags, 3 favorites, and 0 pronunciations."
Are you still alive? Should we have a Wordie wake?
- need a voucher for that?
Welcome, bestiary, to the world of Wordie addiction. :-)
I hereby present you with a voucher, valid for Indulgence in Ridiculously Long List Titles anytime soon.
Comments by bestiary
bestiary commented on the word noctilucine
pertaining to noctilucales!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word ascetic
see ascesis.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word écorché
art depicting the human figure without skin. literally, "flayed."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word froissage
a method of collage in which the lines made by crumpling up a piece of paper are used to create a drawing. (wikipedia)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word catillate
to lick a plate.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word libricide
the destruction of books.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word lexiconophilist
lexicon enthusiast!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word kalon
perfect (both physical and moral) beauty.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nyctinasty
nocturnal heliotropism.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word noctuolent
of a flowering plant: more strongly scented at night than during the day (obsolete, rare; fr. L. noctu by night + olent redolent of)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spatterdash
spatterdashes -- nearly as fun to wear as they are to say.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word medial capital
brought to you by MediCapitals, Inc.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word taxicabriolet
nicer-sounding word for a taxicab, stemming from the full 'taximeter cabriolet'.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word craniopagus
a pair of twins conjoined at the head (from german kraniopagus).
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word proteleriat
whoops! always spellcheck, children.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word heterosis
"hybrid vigor."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cacotechny
literally, "bad art!" how useful.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bourgeoisie
(adj: m: bourgeois, f: bourgeoise)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word puissant
on the other hand, impuissant sounds very much like its meaning.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word naevose
specifically, having naevi (pl. of naevus a pigmented, raised, or otherwise abnormal skin-spot; birthmark, mole, freckle).
and no wonder this word is so pretty: wiktionary lists it as an alternative spelling of nevose, the feminine pl. of nevoso, italian for "snowy."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nidulation
this seems to be more nesting ("the time remaining in the nest," than nest-making.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nullibicity
why isn't this nullibiquity? (it's the opposite of ubiquity, yes?)
July 22, 2008
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