It seems whenever I look up a word, honestly without knowing its meaning, it strikingly describes exactly what I have been experiencing that very day. Today, for example, I am putting off work by looking up words on Wordnik...the first word that popped into my head...dilatory, of course.
Obs. a. Vigorous, flourishing; after OE. only in physical sense (or fig. of this), luxuriant in growth, plump, full-fleshed. b. Abundant in sap, juicy, full of moisture; rarely in unfavourable sense. Also of sap: Abundant, rich. c. Easily melting, soluble, fusible.
2. ‘Something of less value than it seems’; hence, ‘something of no value; trifles’ (J.); worthless stuff, trash, rubbish. (Usually collective sing.; also, now rarely, pl.)
a. Applied to material objects
b. Applied to abstract things, as beliefs, practices, discourse, writing, etc.: Nonsense, ‘rubbish’.
c. Applied contemptuously to religious practices, ceremonies, ornaments, etc. regarded as idle or superstitious. (Cf. TRINKET n.1 3.) Now rare or merged in general sense.
d. Showy but unsubstantial apparel; worthless finery.
f. Applied to a person, esp. a woman: cf. TRASH n.1
From OED: 2. a. intr. To make signs or grimaces; spec. to make exaggerated movements with the mouth, esp. in order to be understood above a loud noise; to behave in an affected manner. Also with about.
Comments by billyvonraven
billyvonraven commented on the word belie
from Webster's New Universal Unabridged: 3. to act unworthily according to the standards of (a tradition, one's ancestry, etc.)
March 27, 2012
billyvonraven commented on the word dilatory
It seems whenever I look up a word, honestly without knowing its meaning, it strikingly describes exactly what I have been experiencing that very day. Today, for example, I am putting off work by looking up words on Wordnik...the first word that popped into my head...dilatory, of course.
March 27, 2012
billyvonraven commented on the word frim
From OED:
Obs. a. Vigorous, flourishing; after OE. only in physical sense (or fig. of this), luxuriant in growth, plump, full-fleshed. b. Abundant in sap, juicy, full of moisture; rarely in unfavourable sense. Also of sap: Abundant, rich. c. Easily melting, soluble, fusible.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word frippery
From OED:
d. fig. Empty display, esp. in speech or literary composition; showy talk; ostentation.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word trumpery
From OED:
2. ‘Something of less value than it seems’; hence, ‘something of no value; trifles’ (J.); worthless stuff, trash, rubbish. (Usually collective sing.; also, now rarely, pl.)
a. Applied to material objects
b. Applied to abstract things, as beliefs, practices, discourse, writing, etc.: Nonsense, ‘rubbish’.
c. Applied contemptuously to religious practices, ceremonies, ornaments, etc. regarded as idle or superstitious. (Cf. TRINKET n.1 3.) Now rare or merged in general sense.
d. Showy but unsubstantial apparel; worthless finery.
f. Applied to a person, esp. a woman: cf. TRASH n.1
Hence trumperiness.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word meeth
From OED: Obs. Gentle, courteous, modest.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word mee-maw
From OED: 2. a. intr. To make signs or grimaces; spec. to make exaggerated movements with the mouth, esp. in order to be understood above a loud noise; to behave in an affected manner. Also with about.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word tussler
One who engages in a scuffle.
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the list of-things-uncouth
for heathenish activities
June 8, 2009
billyvonraven commented on the word dipsian
From OED: Of thirst: such as was caused by the bite of the dipsas; raging.
June 8, 2009