blicero45 commented on the word Chrysopoeia
In alchemy, the term chrysopoeia means transmutation into gold, although it is also symbolically used to indicate the philosopher's stone as the completion of the Great Work.
July 3, 2010
blicero45 commented on the word Nidus
a place in which something is formed or deposited; a site of origin.
• Medicine a place in which bacteria have multiplied or may multiply; a focus of infection.
ORIGIN early 18th cent. (in the medical sense focus of infection ): from Latin, literally ‘nest.’
March 26, 2010
blicero45 commented on the word Jeunesse Dorée
jeunesse dorée
noun treated as sing. or pl.
young people of wealth, fashion, and flair.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: French, literally ‘gilded youth.’
Comments by blicero45
blicero45 commented on the word Chrysopoeia
In alchemy, the term chrysopoeia means transmutation into gold, although it is also symbolically used to indicate the philosopher's stone as the completion of the Great Work.
July 3, 2010
blicero45 commented on the word Nidus
a place in which something is formed or deposited; a site of origin.
• Medicine a place in which bacteria have multiplied or may multiply; a focus of infection.
ORIGIN early 18th cent. (in the medical sense focus of infection ): from Latin, literally ‘nest.’
March 26, 2010
blicero45 commented on the word Jeunesse Dorée
jeunesse dorée
noun treated as sing. or pl.
young people of wealth, fashion, and flair.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: French, literally ‘gilded youth.’
March 26, 2010