I don't know why, and It causes my such trouble. I wish people weren't so jealous and possessiveBokonon knows. to fall in wuv, such power over me/over you
this word decribes the fealing of total out of self-ness, "where is my mind" impossably Trippy fealing so good that the world has alterd itself in fundamental ways and is no longer what you have known. go ask alice
Wikipedia says of fnord; Fnord is the typographic representation of disinformation or irrelevant information intending to misdirect, with the implication of a conspiracy.
I read this word on the bathroom door of a grayhound bus terminal. I've come to understand that it is a refrence to Principia Discordia. Wiki this one up guys, and be in for a mind-blow.
I get livid at people who are rulesy, officious, or downright stubborn in the face of good advice. I use bad grammer beacuse I WANT to, not beacuse I can't help It.
Comments by born2badored
born2badored commented on the word hinks
man alive, you give me the hinks.
see hinky
April 5, 2007
born2badored commented on the word panjandrum
February 1, 2007
born2badored commented on the word chinglish
To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty
January 10, 2007
born2badored commented on the word chinglish
chinese Engrish
January 10, 2007
born2badored commented on the word engrish
I guess it's also called Chinglish
January 10, 2007
born2badored commented on the word disseminated
soul coughing
December 29, 2006
born2badored commented on the word scrid
a small peice, esp. regarding shake.
December 29, 2006
born2badored commented on the word buffalo
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
i.e: Bison from Buffalo, New York, who are intimidated by other bison in their community, also happen to intimidate other bison in their community
December 28, 2006
born2badored commented on the word fjuckby
small town in Sweden
December 14, 2006
born2badored commented on the word finglonger
and thats what would of happend had I invented the finglonger
December 11, 2006
born2badored commented on the word jackalope
Lepus-temperamentalus, or Deerbunnie
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word mairzy doats
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey,
Sing "Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy."
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word furi kuri
to feal-up the breasts of a women
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word spatulate
sadly enough, I had a girlfriend once who was spatulated by her mother
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word pöpli
Lisa: Everyone makes fun of the Pöpli kids. Even I do. (low, to herself) I just hate them so much.
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the user jrsperry
It's actually his least favorite word
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word smeg
It’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere,
I’m all along, more or less.
Let me fly, far away from here,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun.
I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose,
Drinking fresh mango juice.
Goldfish shoals, nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun.
I’ll pack my bags, and head into hyperspace,
Velocity at time-warp speed.
Spend my days in ultraviolet rays,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun.
We’ll lock on course, straight through the universe,
You and me, and the galaxy.
Reach the stage, hyperdrive’s engaged,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun.
December 8, 2006
born2badored commented on the word slurm
1."It's highly addictive!"
2.Slurm, n.: The slime that accumulates on the underside of a soap bar when it sits in the dish too long.
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word bird
Its the word
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word discordianism
If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe.
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word comely
wide hips thin waist... I like those paintings
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word bum
slugs for everyone
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word slapstick
Now thats funny! I love the charlie chaplin film where he trys to take advantage of the ugly girl...Blah!, good luck!
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word weird
wyrd, I like the strange, I like to collect it and become stranger with time.
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word pixel
the cat who walks through walls, as I grok it
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word rincewind
what a pathetic wizard, but truly my hero
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word fark
Ninjawords got this one in check
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word change
we could all use a little
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word constant
I yam what I yam
December 7, 2006
born2badored commented on the word water
be like water, allways like water - bruce lee
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word love
see wuv
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word peaches
Fuck the pain away
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word sex
what else is in the teaches of peaches?
Like sex on the beach is
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word jellyfish
what is stranger than jellyfish sex?
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word wonderland
see Alice
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word acanthamoeba keratitis
see Momus, poor dude
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word sack
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word fuck your couch
exclamation for the world and its couch
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word portmanteau
I don't want anyone thinking were robosexuals, so if anyone asks, your just my debugger.
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word hangry
I heard this once in a japanese song,
"I'm poor, I'm Hangry" is it ment to be Hungry and angry ala Portmanteau or is It it just engrish?
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word engrish
this is a refrence to the japanese trend to mispronounce english words by swaping L for R and vise versa Hangry?
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word izzy
a nickname for a girlish guy
see Momus, Bishonen
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word momus
Nick Currie, see Bishonen
he got acanthamoeba keratitis from washing his contact lense with greek tap water
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word bishonen
see Momus
I was born to be a girlish boy
And my lover is a boyish girl
And if everyone could be this way
We could change the world
see Izzy
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word cats cradle
on being a ninja hippie
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word shoes
do shoes have souls?
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word spork
for the lazy man on the go
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word blah
exclamation of disgust
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word trippy
see bongo bongo land
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word syzygy
I like Vladimir Solovyovs use of this word
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word dynamic
constantly changeing
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word oxymoron
constant-change, meaning dynamic
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word hell
In the afterlife, you'll be headed for some serious strife, now you make the sceen all day, tomarrow there'll be hell to pay
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word moist
Why do so many people hate moist? I love it! take 5
1. I hate dry mouth
2. I love turning you on
3. cracked lips? blah!
4.Tears of Joy on my cashmere sweater
5. summer nights, the grass on my tired feat.
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word curiouser
don't forget your towel
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word alice
see Matrix, The. how bloopy!
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word gift
see maudlin
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the list librarygrrrl-s-words
thanx, grrrl. we are now tied with the red ribbon of destiny
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word maudlin
"it's absolutely maudlin outside." Velvet Underground, The Gift
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word wordie
a discription or a person with the quality of useing many words.
i.e "He's a Wordie"
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word wuv
"What is this emotion you humans call wuv? it confuses and infuriates me" Lrrr ruler of Omicron Persei VIII
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word possessive
to want all to ones self. selfish and greedy
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word polyamory
I don't know why, and It causes my such trouble. I wish people weren't so jealous and possessiveBokonon knows. to fall in wuv, such power over me/over you
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word acid jazz
you know... But jazzier
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word trip hop
intelegent trippy hip-hop
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word garbo
Australian slang for a waste collector
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word dukin
well haveing sex, fighting for the best viewing position of the TV
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word psychometrics
never tell me how you feal
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word disinformation
misinformation on purpose. o-well,what the hell, be Fnordy!
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word bokonon
The Holy man from Cats cradle, who says the most intouch we can be with eatch other is when we press the souls of our feat together.
Please don't force me to love just one person. see polyamory
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word bloopy
this word decribes the fealing of total out of self-ness, "where is my mind" impossably Trippy fealing so good that the world has alterd itself in fundamental ways and is no longer what you have known. go ask alice
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word fnordy
Wikipedia says of fnord; Fnord is the typographic representation of disinformation or irrelevant information intending to misdirect, with the implication of a conspiracy.
I read this word on the bathroom door of a grayhound bus terminal. I've come to understand that it is a refrence to Principia Discordia. Wiki this one up guys, and be in for a mind-blow.
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word grok
Grok means to understand so throughly that the observer becomes part of that wich is observed
December 6, 2006
born2badored commented on the word livid
I get livid at people who are rulesy, officious, or downright stubborn in the face of good advice. I use bad grammer beacuse I WANT to, not beacuse I can't help It.
"So they say you're trouble boy
Because you like to destroy
All the things that bring idiots joy
Well what's wrong with a little destruction"
please don't be a pedant
December 6, 2006