i think of Wm. Somerset Maugham when i see or hear the word 'asphalt.' "Only the poet or the saint can water an asphalt pavement in the confident anticipation that lilies will reward his labour."
ethereal is my least favorite word because in these modern times, it has been used in abundance to describe the mundane, to the point of diluting the meaning and character of the word. especially when used to appraiseamateur artwork. everything is "ethereal" or "transcendent." barf. when ethereal is no longer used redundantly to describe the abysmal and plain, i'll gladly place it back upon it's rightful pedestal as a praiseworthy word.
Pie + yule, created by Hugh Neutron on the Jimmy Neutron show, added to the list of "non-demoninational holidays" - though i think most Wordies list it with the "whining, whimpering" definition.
Comments by brandelion
brandelion commented on the word brandelion
'I believe brandelion has female bits,' said brandelion.
September 2, 2010
brandelion commented on the word knishmas
the seasonal holiday celebrated on Chowder. (Cartoon Network)
November 28, 2008
brandelion commented on the word clarty
I like this one. Very complimentary to 'manky'.
May 14, 2008
brandelion commented on the user brandelion
I am a happy weed, exuberant in my proliferation.
May 14, 2008
brandelion commented on the list words-to-try-to-use-in-colloquial-speech-without-sounding-like-a-pretentious-ass
great list name. :)
June 8, 2007
brandelion commented on the word frood
"You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is." -- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
frood: a really amazingly together guy.
May 5, 2007
brandelion commented on the word druggeting
"Two paces from the little Savoyard stood an old pauvre honteux, sickly and feeble, in wretched garments of ragged druggeting..." - de Balzac
May 3, 2007
brandelion commented on the word perspiraction
as in, the Perspiraction Treadmill in The Sims. i just love the combination!
January 15, 2007
brandelion commented on the word skeewompus
askew, off-balance, out of place, messed up. my dad used this one a lot!
January 8, 2007
brandelion commented on the word coistrel
good find.
January 5, 2007
brandelion commented on the word floriental
agreed, it is awesome and favorite-worthy!
January 4, 2007
brandelion commented on the word floriental
found in an Avon catalog, describing a perfume scent.
January 4, 2007
brandelion commented on the word mobeep
mobeep - i'm ecstatic. this is an excellent addition!
December 31, 2006
brandelion commented on the user sonofgroucho
it is good to meet you, Son of Groucho. :)
December 31, 2006
brandelion commented on the word whippersnapper
words with four p's, or four of any letter, are somehow more magically crunchy than other words. extra marshmallowy delightful.
December 25, 2006
brandelion commented on the word moneygrubbin
greed; avarice; pennypinching.
December 24, 2006
brandelion commented on the word wocka wocka
as said by Fozzy the Bear!
December 23, 2006
brandelion commented on the list miss-sunshine
all words can be used to complete the sentence, "Miss Sunshine is _____."
December 21, 2006
brandelion commented on the word frankensteined
esp in vehicle restoration: the scavenging of or nefarious melding of one or more unlike things to create a real mechanical bastard.
ex: Joey frankensteined the hood of a Buick onto his 1980 Chevette.
December 21, 2006
brandelion commented on the user eggplantia5
i think of Wm. Somerset Maugham when i see or hear the word 'asphalt.' "Only the poet or the saint can water an asphalt pavement in the confident anticipation that lilies will reward his labour."
December 18, 2006
brandelion commented on the user phizzwizard
the evil thoughts in your brain have a unified name? good that they are not fragmentary in nature. :)
December 18, 2006
brandelion commented on the word jerbang
what does jerbang mean?
December 18, 2006
brandelion commented on the word ethereal
ethereal is my least favorite word because in these modern times, it has been used in abundance to describe the mundane, to the point of diluting the meaning and character of the word. especially when used to appraise amateur artwork. everything is "ethereal" or "transcendent." barf. when ethereal is no longer used redundantly to describe the abysmal and plain, i'll gladly place it back upon it's rightful pedestal as a praiseworthy word.
December 18, 2006
brandelion commented on the word gaytarded
i second that. brilliant!
December 17, 2006
brandelion commented on the word nulliparous
what a great word!
December 17, 2006
brandelion commented on the word pish
pet fish
December 14, 2006
brandelion commented on the list the-first-list
i declare this list complete, as it is now larger than some countries.
December 13, 2006
brandelion commented on the word micturate
kudos to the wordie who remembered this gem! :D
December 13, 2006
brandelion commented on the list wordsmithing-part-deux
this list has become ungainly.
December 13, 2006
brandelion commented on the word ramahanukwanzmas
combining all the holidays by Glenn Beck
December 13, 2006
brandelion commented on the list non-denominational-spirit
i am unfamiliar with Klordny. man, what an oversight leaving out RamaHanuKwanzMas!
December 13, 2006
brandelion commented on the user brandelion
thank you, it is a delight to be here. love what you've done with the drapes. :)
December 12, 2006
brandelion commented on the word crimboween
it's been a couple years; i can't stop ascending. much like, i can't seem to stop adding words to wordie... :D
December 10, 2006
brandelion commented on the word footpad
an excellent word, andrew.simone. thank you. :)
December 10, 2006
brandelion commented on the word unobtainium
a material so rare or expensive it is unobtainable
December 10, 2006
brandelion commented on the list jabberwordie
that's a beauty!
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word festivus
celebrating anti-holiday sentiments - Seinfeld
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word decemberween
the best holiday ever - Homestar Runner et al
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word crimboween
when Uncle Crimbo comes to town! - Kingdom of Loathing MMORPG
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word pule
Pie + yule, created by Hugh Neutron on the Jimmy Neutron show, added to the list of "non-demoninational holidays" - though i think most Wordies list it with the "whining, whimpering" definition.
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word wintereenmas
Gaming holiday created by Ethan - Ctrl+Alt+Del
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
that's one helluva word.
December 9, 2006
brandelion commented on the word garsh
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word squog
a squeezing hug
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word hoobedoo
a thing, or a thing-a-ma-jig. :D
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word enervated
excellent word. JK Rowling is famous for mis-using it.
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word vittles
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word prolly
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word cos
'cause, because
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word luff
"love" - luff you with two ff's...
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word nerble
as in "marble"
December 4, 2006
brandelion commented on the word heathen
definitely one of my very favorite words.
December 2, 2006
brandelion commented on the list the-first-list
ridiculous is such a good, sturdy word. one can use it in all manner of instances.
December 2, 2006