Very gribble-esqe and a bit paranoid. Lives in a fallout shelter made during the Y2K scares. Hasn't seen daylight in 6 years and only lives off eating rats, and the occasional wandering traveling salesman.
Game made by the japanese to turn fat lazy americans into skinny dancing idiots to make a global takeover by japan possible. While we are out dancing on a small pad pretending the dance moves look cool, japan will invade and kill us all. We will all be dancing in hell after the red curtain flys over head. BEWARE.
Long haired young male able to put into words things that should not be put into words. Also a large ticket vendor of the Bongo airlines, the singlemost largest airway travel company that travels to bongo bongo land.
A description used to explain an amazing trip, or a small island floating in space between earth and mercury. Travelling to bongo bongo land costs one ticket (IE one hit of a hallucinigen)With one ticket you travel to the outskirts of bongo bongo land, made up mostly of calming forests. With two tickets you get a little farther into bongo bongo land to about the line between the calming woods and the hectic city in the middle. 3 tickets sends you into the middle of the city, this is where most of the rif raf hang out and if not careful, things can go bad real quick in this part of this small island. Four tickets is the ultimate, landing you straight into the large ampitheatre in the center of bongo bongo land. There many of the greats play, pink floyd, jerry garcia. But i will warn for those not used to this special trip, go too far and take 5 tickets and you will completely miss bongo bongo land and land dirctly in the sun, leaving you FUBAR for a lifetime. Head my words first timers, bongo bongo land can be fun, but take it in steps. Feeling bloopy. You may buy these tickets from any local ninja hippie.
Comments by brandonpepin
brandonpepin commented on the word spitfire
1: A cleaning product used at job corps. Smells like shit.
2: The coolest person ever to grace the earth.
December 7, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word sponge
1: A sponge is a porous animal found in the bottom of the ocean.
2: A small porous tool used to wash various thigs such as dishes or cars. Can be synthetic or made by the actual animal.
December 7, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word porous
Filled with holes, IE as in pores. See sponge
December 7, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word brandonpepin
Very gribble-esqe and a bit paranoid. Lives in a fallout shelter made during the Y2K scares. Hasn't seen daylight in 6 years and only lives off eating rats, and the occasional wandering traveling salesman.
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word dance dance revolution
Game made by the japanese to turn fat lazy americans into skinny dancing idiots to make a global takeover by japan possible. While we are out dancing on a small pad pretending the dance moves look cool, japan will invade and kill us all. We will all be dancing in hell after the red curtain flys over head. BEWARE.
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word gerbil
A small furry animal kept as a pet.
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the user born2badored
He is THE ninja hippie
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word ninja hippie
Long haired young male able to put into words things that should not be put into words. Also a large ticket vendor of the Bongo airlines, the singlemost largest airway travel company that travels to bongo bongo land.
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word bongo bongo land
A description used to explain an amazing trip, or a small island floating in space between earth and mercury. Travelling to bongo bongo land costs one ticket (IE one hit of a hallucinigen)With one ticket you travel to the outskirts of bongo bongo land, made up mostly of calming forests. With two tickets you get a little farther into bongo bongo land to about the line between the calming woods and the hectic city in the middle. 3 tickets sends you into the middle of the city, this is where most of the rif raf hang out and if not careful, things can go bad real quick in this part of this small island. Four tickets is the ultimate, landing you straight into the large ampitheatre in the center of bongo bongo land. There many of the greats play, pink floyd, jerry garcia. But i will warn for those not used to this special trip, go too far and take 5 tickets and you will completely miss bongo bongo land and land dirctly in the sun, leaving you FUBAR for a lifetime. Head my words first timers, bongo bongo land can be fun, but take it in steps. Feeling bloopy. You may buy these tickets from any local ninja hippie.
December 6, 2006
brandonpepin commented on the word philosical
A word used as a short form of philisophical. Easier to say and quicker to get out during lengthy philisophical conversations.
December 6, 2006