To Hork something, like a system or a machine, is to cause it to become non-functioning, when it was once working fine. But it has a slightly finer meaning than that. "He horked the computer" means that not only is the machine not working, but it is in this state precisely because the idiot thought he knew what he was doing when he messed with it. Hence the association with horking up a hairball. A horked system invokes the same replusion as a hairball, and also means that someone else now has to clean up the mess. (See PhD.)
Comments by brian_armstrong
brian_armstrong commented on the word hork
To Hork something, like a system or a machine, is to cause it to become non-functioning, when it was once working fine. But it has a slightly finer meaning than that. "He horked the computer" means that not only is the machine not working, but it is in this state precisely because the idiot thought he knew what he was doing when he messed with it. Hence the association with horking up a hairball. A horked system invokes the same replusion as a hairball, and also means that someone else now has to clean up the mess. (See PhD.)
February 1, 2012