brianbackman commented on the list capitonyms
At Word Daze we celebrate Capitonym Day every August First.
August 11, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list abc
I'll use this for a "pop quiz" with my high school "students."
brianbackman commented on the list the-raven-by-edgar-allan-poe
Great poem, excellent list!
brianbackman commented on the list literary-endeavors
Great rhetorical collection. You should check out
August 10, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
"Oh most wicked speed to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!"
brianbackman commented on the list words-that-remind-me-of-monty-python
Great list. I'd add "inquisition."
brianbackman commented on the list the-warp-and-the-woof
This is one of my favorite metaphors.
Comments by brianbackman
brianbackman commented on the list capitonyms
At Word Daze we celebrate Capitonym Day every August First.
August 11, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list abc
I'll use this for a "pop quiz" with my high school "students."
August 11, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list the-raven-by-edgar-allan-poe
Great poem, excellent list!
August 11, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list literary-endeavors
Great rhetorical collection. You should check out
August 10, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
"Oh most wicked speed to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!"
August 10, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list words-that-remind-me-of-monty-python
Great list. I'd add "inquisition."
August 10, 2007
brianbackman commented on the list the-warp-and-the-woof
This is one of my favorite metaphors.
August 10, 2007