The song does differentiate between billiards and pool. If you watch the movie, Harold Hill asks what is going at the billiards' parlor and is informed the Iowans have a brand new pool table. He then goes on to sing that he considers the hours he's spent playing billiards to be productive, but that pool will ruin the town's youth. He then continues to speak of pool as a game with six pockets and 15 numbered balls.
Comments by cacocallia
cacocallia commented on the word billiards vs pool (vs snooker)
The song does differentiate between billiards and pool. If you watch the movie, Harold Hill asks what is going at the billiards' parlor and is informed the Iowans have a brand new pool table. He then goes on to sing that he considers the hours he's spent playing billiards to be productive, but that pool will ruin the town's youth. He then continues to speak of pool as a game with six pockets and 15 numbered balls.
January 26, 2009