"This emerging movement of production and commerce eliminates the concept of waste, uses energy from renewable sources, and celebrates cultural and biological diversity. The promise of the Next Industrial Revolution is a system of production that fulfills desires for economic and ecological abundance and social equity in both the short and long terms-becoming sustaining (not just sustainable) for all generations."
"A technique for assessing the potential environmental impacts of a product by examining all the material and energy inputs and outputs at each life cycle stage."
"A scientifically based, peer-reviewed process used to assess and optimize materials used in products and production processes in order to maximize health, safety, effectiveness, and high quality reutilization over many product life cycles."
"The first design principle of the Next Industrial Revolution: all products are seen as nutrients within biological (natural) or industrial (technical) metabolisms."
"Products which cannot be consumed or used in either an organic or an industrial metabolism. Safe means of recycling these materials may be currently unavailable due to lack of demand and high cost. In the long-term, these products should not be manufactured. As existing unmarketables are discarded, they should be stored and prevented from contaminating the surrounding environment until a safe recycling process is developed."
"A product that is used by the customer, formally or in effect, but owned by the manufacturer. The manufacturer maintains ownership of valuable material assets for continual reuse while the customer receives the service of the product without assuming its material liability. Products that can utilize valuable but potentially hazardous materials can be optimized as Products of Service."
"A product designed for safe and complete return to the environment, which becomes nutrients for living systems. The product of consumption design strategy allows products to offer effectiveness without the liability of materials that must be recycled or "managed" after use."
"The elegant intelligence of natural systems and processes (such as nutrient cycling, interdependence, celebration of diversity, solar power use, regeneration, etc.)."
"Cradle to Cradle Design's strategy for intelligent and healthy materials use, designing human industry that is safe, profitable, and regenerative, producing economic, ecological, and social value."
Refers to the incorporation of broader scientific and ecological knowledge into existing product analysis and redesign, or into new product design based on Environmentally Intelligent criteria.
A model of industrial systems in which material flows cyclically in appropriate, continuous biological nutrient or technical nutrient cycles. All waste materials are productively re-incorporated into new production and use phases, i.e. "waste equals food."
A raw material used by living organisms or cells to carry on life processes such as growth, cell division, synthesis of carbohydrates and other complex functions. Biological nutrients are usually carbon-based compounds. (Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm)
Comments by carlc
carlc commented on the word next industrial revolution
"This emerging movement of production and commerce eliminates the concept of waste, uses energy from renewable sources, and celebrates cultural and biological diversity. The promise of the Next Industrial Revolution is a system of production that fulfills desires for economic and ecological abundance and social equity in both the short and long terms-becoming sustaining (not just sustainable) for all generations."
Obtained from http://www.mbdc.com/ref_glossary.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word life cycle assessment
"A technique for assessing the potential environmental impacts of a product by examining all the material and energy inputs and outputs at each life cycle stage."
Obtained from: www.mbdc.com/ref_glossary.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word design for disassembly
"Designing a product to be dismantled for easier maintenance, repair, recovery, and reuse of components and materials."
Obtained from: www.mbdc.com/ref_glossary.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word cradle to cradle design protocol
"A scientifically based, peer-reviewed process used to assess and optimize materials used in products and production processes in order to maximize health, safety, effectiveness, and high quality reutilization over many product life cycles."
Obtained from: www.mbdc.com/ref_glossary.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word waste equals food
"The first design principle of the Next Industrial Revolution: all products are seen as nutrients within biological (natural) or industrial (technical) metabolisms."
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word upcycling
"The practice of recycling material in such a way that it maintains and/or accrues value over time (the opposite of downcycling)"
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word unmarketables
"Products which cannot be consumed or used in either an organic or an industrial metabolism. Safe means of recycling these materials may be currently unavailable due to lack of demand and high cost. In the long-term, these products should not be manufactured. As existing unmarketables are discarded, they should be stored and prevented from contaminating the surrounding environment until a safe recycling process is developed."
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word technical nutrient
"A material of human artifice designed to circulate within industrial lifecycles--forever."
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word product of service
"A product that is used by the customer, formally or in effect, but owned by the manufacturer. The manufacturer maintains ownership of valuable material assets for continual reuse while the customer receives the service of the product without assuming its material liability. Products that can utilize valuable but potentially hazardous materials can be optimized as Products of Service."
Obtained from: www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word product of consumption
"A product designed for safe and complete return to the environment, which becomes nutrients for living systems. The product of consumption design strategy allows products to offer effectiveness without the liability of materials that must be recycled or "managed" after use."
Obtained from: www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word eco-intelligence
"The elegant intelligence of natural systems and processes (such as nutrient cycling, interdependence, celebration of diversity, solar power use, regeneration, etc.)."
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word eco-effectiveness
"Cradle to Cradle Design's strategy for intelligent and healthy materials use, designing human industry that is safe, profitable, and regenerative, producing economic, ecological, and social value."
Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word downcycling
The practice of recycling a material in such a way that much of its inherent value is lost (e.g. recycling plastic into park benches).
(Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm)
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word design chemistry
Refers to the incorporation of broader scientific and ecological knowledge into existing product analysis and redesign, or into new product design based on Environmentally Intelligent criteria.
(Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm)
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word cradle-to-cradle
A model of industrial systems in which material flows cyclically in appropriate, continuous biological nutrient or technical nutrient cycles. All waste materials are productively re-incorporated into new production and use phases, i.e. "waste equals food."
Obtained from: www.braungart.com/terminology.htm
November 25, 2007
carlc commented on the word biological nutrient
A raw material used by living organisms or cells to carry on life processes such as growth, cell division, synthesis of carbohydrates and other complex functions. Biological nutrients are usually carbon-based compounds. (Obtained from www.braungart.com/terminology.htm)
November 25, 2007