Happy 2022, Madmouth! I have adopted your list 'Bits and Pieces' as a beloved favorite, and found a good bit of poetry in it. Not sure I need to ask, but I'm thinking of submitting a few for publication, so I thought I'd ask your blessing, or give you a heads-up, or whatever, just the same.
I'd also be delighted if you'd add 'tarted up ethnopoetics' to that list.
Merci beaucoup, bilby, for the fresh-baked welcome fuflun from ruzuzu. I'm in love with wordniks' lists, and have been using them over the last year or so to cook up found poetry. Delicious.
Comments by chezmoi
chezmoi commented on the user madmouth
Happy 2022, Madmouth! I have adopted your list 'Bits and Pieces' as a beloved favorite, and found a good bit of poetry in it. Not sure I need to ask, but I'm thinking of submitting a few for publication, so I thought I'd ask your blessing, or give you a heads-up, or whatever, just the same.
I'd also be delighted if you'd add 'tarted up ethnopoetics' to that list.
January 1, 2022
chezmoi commented on the user bilby
Merci beaucoup, bilby, for the fresh-baked welcome fuflun from ruzuzu. I'm in love with wordniks' lists, and have been using them over the last year or so to cook up found poetry. Delicious.
April 26, 2020
chezmoi commented on the list number-of
staggers - taggers
April 26, 2020
chezmoi commented on the word cribhouse
A vegetable favored by women of ill repute?
April 19, 2020
chezmoi commented on the word fishtancing
Don't you mean grouper?
April 7, 2020
chezmoi commented on the list wordle
Far be it from me to meddle in your Wordle, but:
Where there's a girdle, there's a griddle.
A cold winter night's the time to cuddle,coddle,tiddle and twiddle.
She rocks the cradle by the light of a candle.
The turtle wears the colors of a brindle pup.
Oh, no, they keep coming - muscle, muzzle, puzzle, scuffle, snuffle, truffle, tussle, hustle, bustle, nestle, trestle, wrestle, whistle, thistle, mistle, epistle, gristle, grizzle, mizzle, pizzle, drizzle, muddle, puddle, snuggle, fuddle, fondle, kindle, bindle, middle, fiddle, piddle, riddle, little, brittle, spittle, skittle, tittle, whittle, wheedle, beetle, beadle, waddle, twaddle, swaddle, skedaddle, straddle, paddle, raddle, kettle, settle, fettle, mettle, peddle, throttle, bottle, mottle, oodle, boodle, noodle, doodle, canoodle, tootle, idle, sidle, title, mantle, pantle, cantle, castle, cattle, battle, tattle, rattle, saddle, hmmm, Seattle. My town. No wonder.
March 28, 2020
chezmoi commented on the list unenthusiastic-interjections
A useful expression, if you are into the exotic, would be 'bof', the French eqivalent of 'meh'.
May 7, 2013