cmmnwlth commented on the word girl bits
wtf? crazy.
August 24, 2008
cmmnwlth commented on the word tapetum
eye-tapestry.. funny
The tapetum lucidum (Latin: "bright tapestry", plural tapeta lucida)1 is a layer of tissue in the eye
Comments by cmmnwlth
cmmnwlth commented on the word girl bits
wtf? crazy.
August 24, 2008
cmmnwlth commented on the word girl bits
wtf? crazy.
August 24, 2008
cmmnwlth commented on the word tapetum
eye-tapestry.. funny
August 24, 2008
cmmnwlth commented on the word tapetum
The tapetum lucidum (Latin: "bright tapestry", plural tapeta lucida)1 is a layer of tissue in the eye
August 24, 2008