coastwise commented on the word joustrich
After besting his final opponent, our protagonist gracefully lands his flying joustrich and basks in the accolade of the spectators.
March 19, 2010
coastwise commented on the word semantic mechanic
i am a trained semantic mechanic
March 14, 2009
coastwise commented on the word vagellan
Vagellan was a historic explorer who went on a vagtastic voyage around the world.
December 17, 2008
coastwise commented on the word teenaged mutant ninja tortoises
teenaged mutant ninja ...
December 12, 2008
coastwise commented on the word feedsicle
like a creamsicle for your computer
coastwise commented on the word tinkerer
who says a tinkerer is unskilled?
July 22, 2008
coastwise commented on the word cognieval
adjective. the pre-singularity era
July 16, 2008
coastwise commented on the word dungeons and dreidels
i foresee an entire new genre of roleplaying games… and i like it.
July 9, 2008
coastwise commented on the word dungeons and dredels
July 8, 2008
Comments by coastwise
coastwise commented on the word joustrich
After besting his final opponent, our protagonist gracefully lands his flying joustrich and basks in the accolade of the spectators.
March 19, 2010
coastwise commented on the word semantic mechanic
i am a trained semantic mechanic
March 14, 2009
coastwise commented on the word vagellan
Vagellan was a historic explorer who went on a vagtastic voyage around the world.
December 17, 2008
coastwise commented on the word teenaged mutant ninja tortoises
teenaged mutant ninja ...
December 12, 2008
coastwise commented on the word feedsicle
like a creamsicle for your computer
December 12, 2008
coastwise commented on the word tinkerer
who says a tinkerer is unskilled?
July 22, 2008
coastwise commented on the word cognieval
adjective. the pre-singularity era
July 16, 2008
coastwise commented on the word dungeons and dreidels
i foresee an entire new genre of roleplaying games… and i like it.
July 9, 2008
coastwise commented on the word dungeons and dredels
i foresee an entire new genre of roleplaying games… and i like it.
July 8, 2008