"Given their inherently abstract nature, many scientific concepts, such as Newton's Laws of Motion, directly conflict a "working" and immediate understanding of the world. Where this is the case, such conceptual conflicts can give rise to serious obstacles to students' acceptance and understanding of scientific ideas. In contrast, a wide range of other scientific ideas, assumptions, and concepts are not obviously related to practical experience. Students misconceptions about these more abstract scientific ideas, for example, the atomic theory, the wave-particle nature of light, the cell theory of biological organization, and the theory of evolution are often grounded in past instruction. In analogy to physician-induced (iatrogenic) disease (iatrogenesis), didaskologenic (or didaktikogenic) (from the Greek dáskalos for "teacher")1 ideas (and misconceptions) arise from and are reinforced during the course of instruction. Particularly in the more abstract sciences, where many ideas are inherently counter-intuitive, didaskologenic scientific misconceptions often arise through the use of inappropriate analogies in the course of instruction.234
As examples, there are the ideas that the breaking of a bond can release energy (when all bonds require energy to break), the depiction of molecular processes using non-random molecular motions, the depiction of electron orbitals, and the molecular level effects of mutations on organismic phenotypes. A number of such errors are found in textbooks56 and various instructional animations."
"An Italian-American word originally meaning an ill-mannered, unkempt pig-man (or woman). Based on italian cultural concepts like making a good show of yourself and an obsession with cleanliness. The word comes from the Italian "cafone", which sounds to an english-speaker as 'Gaw-Vone' when spoken with a southern Italian accent.
Now it's used mostly by Italian-Americans to mean 'trashy' Italians, the ones who didn't give up on their culture and become like white american people. Lately I've heard it directed at the Sopranos characters and the Guidos from Jersey Shore."
"In human anatomy (female), the Skene's glands (also known as the lesser vestibular glands, periurethral glands, skene glands, paraurethral glands,1 female prostate) are glands located on the anterior wall of the vagina, around the lower end of the urethra. They drain into the urethra and near the urethral opening and may be near or a part of the G-spot. These glands are surrounded with tissue, which includes the part of the clitoris that reaches up inside the vagina and swells with blood during sexual arousal."
Elective Affinities (German: Die Wahlverwandtschaften), also translated under the title Kindred by Choice, is the third novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published in 1809. The title is taken from a scientific term once used to describe the tendency of chemical species to combine with certain substances or species in preference to others. The novel is based on the metaphor of human passions being governed or regulated by the laws of chemical affinity, and examines whether or not the science and laws of chemistry undermine or uphold the institution of marriage, as well as other human social relations.
In the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, objet petit a (object little-a) stands for the unattainable object of desire. It is sometimes called the object cause of desire. Lacan always insisted that the term should remain untranslated, "thus acquiring the status of an algebraic sign." (Écrits).
'The "a" in question stands for "autre" (other), the concept having been developed out of the Freudian "object" and Lacan's own exploitation of "otherness."
"n. something, such as a commercial undertaking, a story franchise, or a fictional character, that serves as primary support (for a company, television program, etc.), especially a blockbuster movie which compensates for a studio’s flops."
"Tsundere (ツンデレ?) (Japanese pronunciation: tsɯndeɽe) is a Japanese character development process which describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time. The word is derived from the terms Tsun Tsun (ツンツン?) , meaning to turn away in disgust, and Dere Dere (デレデレ?) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'.1 Originally found in Japanese bishōjo games, the word is now part of the otaku moe phenomenon,2 reaching into other media such as maid cafes,2 anime, manga, novels, and even mass media.citation needed The term was made popular in the game Kimi ga Nozomu Eien.1"
"The Overton window, in political theory, describes a "window" in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse, in a spectrum of all possible options on a particular issue. It is named after its originator, Joseph P. Overton1, former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy."
Hurf durf occurs when someone goes on a long-winded tangent about something that is universally insignificant but is present in the original poster's mind and is EXTREMELY important to that person. A declaration of hurf durf is generally directly followed by an ad hominem or general attack on the idea which was proposed. Most often occurrences of hurf durf are unreasonable demands to alter a law or game mechanic so it will serve the needs of a very specific group, leaving all others effected at a disadvantage. In real life, Calls for laws to consider obesity a physical handicap would be considered hurf durf because obesity is a self-inflicted condition and penalizing the rest of the population with higher taxes because fatty can't put down the donuts would be generally unreasonable. In a gaming context, requests for a buff or nerf that would make one specific item or class unreasonably superior would be considered hurf durf, as it would destroy balance in the said game.
A poète maudit (French: accursed poet) is a poet living a life outside or against society. Abuse of drugs and alcohol, insanity, crime, violence, and in general any societal sin, often resulting in an early death are typical elements of the biography of a poète maudit.
The first poète maudit, and its prototype, was François Villon (1431 - c. 1474) but the phrase wasn't coined until the beginning of the 19th century by Alfred de Vigny in his 1832 drama Stello, in which he calls the poet "la race toujours maudite par les puissants de la terre" (The race which will always be cursed by the powerful ones of the earth). Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud are considered typical examples. Lautréamont is also considered as a poète maudit.
Fridge Logic has been the writer's-room term for these little Internal Consistency issues for a good while, as in "Don't sweat the fridge logic, we've got bigger fish to fry. We've only got 20 minutes left to work in three costume changes, a foreign language, and a weird wig."
Gestus, as the embodiment of an attitude, carries at least two distinct meanings in Brecht's theatre: firstly, the uncovering or revealing of the motivations and transactions that underpin a dramatic exchange between the characters; secondly, the "epic" narration of that character by the actor (whether explicitly or implicitly).
In the first sense, that of anatomizing the character, a Gestus reveals a specific aspect of a character: rather than his metaphysical, subconscious or other psychological dimensions, a Gestus makes visible a character's social relations and the causality of his behaviour, as interpreted from an historical materialist perspective. "Every emotion" when treated under the rubric of Gestus, Elizabeth Wright explains, "manifests itself as a set of social relations."2 "For it is what happens between people," Brecht insists, "that provides them with all the material that they can discuss, criticize, alter."
From the Greek Eidos (εἶδος), meaning "image," "form," or "shape." It also can have the meaning of "essence", as in Husserlian phenomenology's "eidetic reduction", which is a method for finding the essential characteristics of our experience of objects.
A French word which derives from the verb jouir meaning to have pleasure in, to enjoy, to appreciate, to savour; with a secondary meaning, as in English, of having rights and pleasures in the use of, as in the phrases “she enjoyed good health�?, “she enjoyed a considerable fortune�?, and “all citizens enjoy the right of freedom of expression�?. The derived noun, jouissance, has three current meanings in French: it signifies an extreme or deep pleasure; it signifies sexual orgasm; and in law, it signifies having the right to use something, as in the phrase avoir la jouissance de quelque chose. The word becomes relevant to cultural and literary studies through its usage by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan to signify the condition or bliss, arrival, merging with the other, which can be associated with orgasm but also the obtention of any particularly desired object or condition - for the explorer, arriving at the North Pole perhaps. Jouissance, for Lacan, is not a purely pleasurable experience but arises through augmenting sensation to a point of discomfort (as in the sexual act, where the cry of passion is at times indistinguishable from the cry of pain), or as in running a marathon. Such experiences, as Freud recognised in his essay “Beyond the Pleasure Principle�? (1920), seem to come close to death, and in Freud’s theory imply an urge to regress to the inorganic state that preceded life. For Lacan, on the other hand, jouissance seems to imply a desire to abolish the condition of lack (la manque) to which we are condemned by our acceptance of the signs of the symbolic order in place of the Real.
noun 1 a false pretext concealing someone’s real intentions. 2 a candidate for the leadership of a political party who stands only in order to provoke an election and thus allow a stronger candidate to come forward.
An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, often blonde, dresses in club wear even at 10:00 AM, and is not particularly intelligent. A twink is the gay answer to the blonde bimbo cheerleader.
There are two major theories about the origin of this word, both of which probably have elements of truth to them.
a) Twink comes from an acronym T.W.I.N.K. "Teenage, White, Into No Kink."
b) Twink is a shortening of the name for the famous "TWINKIE" snack cake: a tasty, cream-filled snack with no nutritional value. The phallic shape of the "TWINKIE" snack cake should not escape the reader's attention.
In an MMORPG, a veteran player who makes a new character and gives a bunch of top-shelf equipment from their older, maxed-out characters to the new character.
a term used since the 1870s to describe a political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses incurred by a country, often following a war. Revanchism draws its strength from patriotic and retributionist thought and is often motivated by economic or geo-political factors. Extreme revanchist ideologues often represent a hawkish stance, suggesting that desired objectives can be reclaimed in the positive outcome of another war.
Philosophy To be dependent on a set of facts or properties in such a way that change can occur only after change has occurred in those facts or properties.
denoting speech used to express or create an atmosphere of shared feelings, goodwill, or sociability rather than to impart information: phatic communion.
Jewish Cookery. turnovers or pockets of noodle dough filled with any of several mixtures, as kasha or chopped chicken livers, usually boiled, and served in soup.
No, do not see "baited" breath. One does not bait one's breath, though I suppose there are those whose breath suggests they have. One "bates" one's breath, as in "abate", or stay, or suspend.
"In philosophy, hyle (�?λη) (pronounced /ˈhaɪli/) refers to matter or stuff. It can also be the material cause underlying a change in Aristotelian philosophy. The Greeks originally had no word for matter in general, as opposed to raw material suitable for some specific purpose or other, so Aristotle adapted the word for "lumber" for this purpose. The idea that everything physical is made of the same basic substance holds up well under modern science, although it may be thought of more in terms of energy or matter/energy.1"
Interpellation is a concept of Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser to describe the process by which ideology addresses the (abstract) pre-ideological individual thus effectively producing him or her as subject proper. Henceforth, Althusser goes against the classical definition of the subject as cause and substance: in other words, the situation always precedes the (individual or collective) subject, which precisely as subject is "always-already interpellated." Althusser's argument here strongly draws from Jacques Lacan's concept of the Mirror stage and reveals obvious parallels with the work of his former student Michel Foucault in its antihumanist insistence on the secondary status of the subject as mere effect of social relations and not vice versa. Interpellation specifically involves the moment and process of recognition of interaction with the ideology at hand.
Ec"chy*mose\, v. t. (Med.) To discolor by the production of an ecchymosis, or effusion of blood, beneath the skin; -- chiefly used in the passive form; as, the parts were much ecchymosed.
OED: trans. At euchre: To gain the advantage over (an adversary) by his failure to take three tricks: see the n. Hence transf. to outwit, ‘do’, ‘best’. Also, to euchre (a person) out of (a thing).
the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it, e.g. bomb blasts; Abreaction of the Lord of the Night, 139
In history, film, television and other media, a flashback (also called analepsis) is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened prior to the story’s primary sequence of events or to fill in crucial backstory. In the opposite direction, a flashforward (or prolepsis) reveals events that will occur in the future. The technique is used to create suspense in a story, or develop a character. In literature, internal analepsis is a flashback to an earlier point in the narrative; external analepsis is a flashback to before the narrative started.
Comments by cryptofascistbbq
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word woo
See: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Woo
June 19, 2019
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word marronage
To be marooned, absorbed into the wilderness.
November 4, 2018
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word shim
Also a low-alcohol-content cocktail.
December 24, 2014
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word ish
www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ish - recent meanings have cropped up
October 13, 2014
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word fremdschämen
"to feel ashamed about something someone else has done; to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed himself (and doesn't notice)"
June 17, 2014
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word chijo
female train pervert
May 14, 2014
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word didaskalogenic
"Given their inherently abstract nature, many scientific concepts, such as Newton's Laws of Motion, directly conflict a "working" and immediate understanding of the world. Where this is the case, such conceptual conflicts can give rise to serious obstacles to students' acceptance and understanding of scientific ideas. In contrast, a wide range of other scientific ideas, assumptions, and concepts are not obviously related to practical experience. Students misconceptions about these more abstract scientific ideas, for example, the atomic theory, the wave-particle nature of light, the cell theory of biological organization, and the theory of evolution are often grounded in past instruction. In analogy to physician-induced (iatrogenic) disease (iatrogenesis), didaskologenic (or didaktikogenic) (from the Greek dáskalos for "teacher")1 ideas (and misconceptions) arise from and are reinforced during the course of instruction. Particularly in the more abstract sciences, where many ideas are inherently counter-intuitive, didaskologenic scientific misconceptions often arise through the use of inappropriate analogies in the course of instruction.234
As examples, there are the ideas that the breaking of a bond can release energy (when all bonds require energy to break), the depiction of molecular processes using non-random molecular motions, the depiction of electron orbitals, and the molecular level effects of mutations on organismic phenotypes. A number of such errors are found in textbooks56 and various instructional animations."
June 22, 2013
cryptofascistbbq commented on the list benandanti
November 5, 2012
cryptofascistbbq commented on the list not-much
a trice?
March 8, 2012
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word gavone
"An Italian-American word originally meaning an ill-mannered, unkempt pig-man (or woman). Based on italian cultural concepts like making a good show of yourself and an obsession with cleanliness. The word comes from the Italian "cafone", which sounds to an english-speaker as 'Gaw-Vone' when spoken with a southern Italian accent.
Now it's used mostly by Italian-Americans to mean 'trashy' Italians, the ones who didn't give up on their culture and become like white american people. Lately I've heard it directed at the Sopranos characters and the Guidos from Jersey Shore."
-Urban Dictionary
September 15, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word skene's gland
"In human anatomy (female), the Skene's glands (also known as the lesser vestibular glands, periurethral glands, skene glands, paraurethral glands,1 female prostate) are glands located on the anterior wall of the vagina, around the lower end of the urethra. They drain into the urethra and near the urethral opening and may be near or a part of the G-spot. These glands are surrounded with tissue, which includes the part of the clitoris that reaches up inside the vagina and swells with blood during sexual arousal."
September 13, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word elective affinities
Elective Affinities (German: Die Wahlverwandtschaften), also translated under the title Kindred by Choice, is the third novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published in 1809. The title is taken from a scientific term once used to describe the tendency of chemical species to combine with certain substances or species in preference to others. The novel is based on the metaphor of human passions being governed or regulated by the laws of chemical affinity, and examines whether or not the science and laws of chemistry undermine or uphold the institution of marriage, as well as other human social relations.
June 17, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word objet a
In the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, objet petit a (object little-a) stands for the unattainable object of desire. It is sometimes called the object cause of desire. Lacan always insisted that the term should remain untranslated, "thus acquiring the status of an algebraic sign." (Écrits).
'The "a" in question stands for "autre" (other), the concept having been developed out of the Freudian "object" and Lacan's own exploitation of "otherness."
June 17, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the list critical-and-philosophical-terms
No, apophany comes from apophansis (http://www.answers.com/topic/apophansis).
June 16, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word tentpole
"n. something, such as a commercial undertaking, a story franchise, or a fictional character, that serves as primary support (for a company, television program, etc.), especially a blockbuster movie which compensates for a studio’s flops."
Source: http://www.doubletongued.org/index.php/dictionary/tent_pole/
April 8, 2011
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word tsundere
"Tsundere (ツンデレ?) (Japanese pronunciation: tsɯndeɽe) is a Japanese character development process which describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time. The word is derived from the terms Tsun Tsun (ツンツン?) , meaning to turn away in disgust, and Dere Dere (デレデレ?) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'.1 Originally found in Japanese bishōjo games, the word is now part of the otaku moe phenomenon,2 reaching into other media such as maid cafes,2 anime, manga, novels, and even mass media.citation needed The term was made popular in the game Kimi ga Nozomu Eien.1"
October 13, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word overton window
"The Overton window, in political theory, describes a "window" in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse, in a spectrum of all possible options on a particular issue. It is named after its originator, Joseph P. Overton1, former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy."
September 16, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word hurf durf
Hurf durf occurs when someone goes on a long-winded tangent about something that is universally insignificant but is present in the original poster's mind and is EXTREMELY important to that person. A declaration of hurf durf is generally directly followed by an ad hominem or general attack on the idea which was proposed. Most often occurrences of hurf durf are unreasonable demands to alter a law or game mechanic so it will serve the needs of a very specific group, leaving all others effected at a disadvantage. In real life, Calls for laws to consider obesity a physical handicap would be considered hurf durf because obesity is a self-inflicted condition and penalizing the rest of the population with higher taxes because fatty can't put down the donuts would be generally unreasonable. In a gaming context, requests for a buff or nerf that would make one specific item or class unreasonably superior would be considered hurf durf, as it would destroy balance in the said game.
July 28, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word poéte maudit
A poète maudit (French: accursed poet) is a poet living a life outside or against society. Abuse of drugs and alcohol, insanity, crime, violence, and in general any societal sin, often resulting in an early death are typical elements of the biography of a poète maudit.
The first poète maudit, and its prototype, was François Villon (1431 - c. 1474) but the phrase wasn't coined until the beginning of the 19th century by Alfred de Vigny in his 1832 drama Stello, in which he calls the poet "la race toujours maudite par les puissants de la terre" (The race which will always be cursed by the powerful ones of the earth). Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud are considered typical examples. Lautréamont is also considered as a poète maudit.
July 23, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word fridge logic
Fridge Logic has been the writer's-room term for these little Internal Consistency issues for a good while, as in "Don't sweat the fridge logic, we've got bigger fish to fry. We've only got 20 minutes left to work in three costume changes, a foreign language, and a weird wig."
July 19, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word gestus
Gestus, as the embodiment of an attitude, carries at least two distinct meanings in Brecht's theatre: firstly, the uncovering or revealing of the motivations and transactions that underpin a dramatic exchange between the characters; secondly, the "epic" narration of that character by the actor (whether explicitly or implicitly).
In the first sense, that of anatomizing the character, a Gestus reveals a specific aspect of a character: rather than his metaphysical, subconscious or other psychological dimensions, a Gestus makes visible a character's social relations and the causality of his behaviour, as interpreted from an historical materialist perspective. "Every emotion" when treated under the rubric of Gestus, Elizabeth Wright explains, "manifests itself as a set of social relations."2 "For it is what happens between people," Brecht insists, "that provides them with all the material that they can discuss, criticize, alter."
July 4, 2010
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word feuilleton
• noun a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature.
November 8, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word vomica
1. a cavity, usually in the lungs, containing pus.
2. the pus content of such a cavity.
November 6, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word eidetic
From the Greek Eidos (εἶδος), meaning "image," "form," or "shape." It also can have the meaning of "essence", as in Husserlian phenomenology's "eidetic reduction", which is a method for finding the essential characteristics of our experience of objects.
November 1, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word jouissance
From the literary encyclopedia:
A French word which derives from the verb jouir meaning to have pleasure in, to enjoy, to appreciate, to savour; with a secondary meaning, as in English, of having rights and pleasures in the use of, as in the phrases “she enjoyed good health�?, “she enjoyed a considerable fortune�?, and “all citizens enjoy the right of freedom of expression�?. The derived noun, jouissance, has three current meanings in French: it signifies an extreme or deep pleasure; it signifies sexual orgasm; and in law, it signifies having the right to use something, as in the phrase avoir la jouissance de quelque chose. The word becomes relevant to cultural and literary studies through its usage by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan to signify the condition or bliss, arrival, merging with the other, which can be associated with orgasm but also the obtention of any particularly desired object or condition - for the explorer, arriving at the North Pole perhaps. Jouissance, for Lacan, is not a purely pleasurable experience but arises through augmenting sensation to a point of discomfort (as in the sexual act, where the cry of passion is at times indistinguishable from the cry of pain), or as in running a marathon. Such experiences, as Freud recognised in his essay “Beyond the Pleasure Principle�? (1920), seem to come close to death, and in Freud’s theory imply an urge to regress to the inorganic state that preceded life. For Lacan, on the other hand, jouissance seems to imply a desire to abolish the condition of lack (la manque) to which we are condemned by our acceptance of the signs of the symbolic order in place of the Real.
October 26, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word stalking horse
noun 1 a false pretext concealing someone’s real intentions. 2 a candidate for the leadership of a political party who stands only in order to provoke an election and thus allow a stronger candidate to come forward.
-Compact Oxford English Dictionary
October 21, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word twink
An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, often blonde, dresses in club wear even at 10:00 AM, and is not particularly intelligent. A twink is the gay answer to the blonde bimbo cheerleader.
There are two major theories about the origin of this word, both of which probably have elements of truth to them.
a) Twink comes from an acronym T.W.I.N.K. "Teenage, White, Into No Kink."
b) Twink is a shortening of the name for the famous "TWINKIE" snack cake: a tasty, cream-filled snack with no nutritional value. The phallic shape of the "TWINKIE" snack cake should not escape the reader's attention.
October 21, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word twink
In an MMORPG, a veteran player who makes a new character and gives a bunch of top-shelf equipment from their older, maxed-out characters to the new character.
October 21, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word pudicity
Pu*dic"i*ty\, n. Cf. F. pudicit['e, L. pudicitia.] Modesty; chastity. --Howell.
August 31, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word revanchist
a term used since the 1870s to describe a political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses incurred by a country, often following a war. Revanchism draws its strength from patriotic and retributionist thought and is often motivated by economic or geo-political factors. Extreme revanchist ideologues often represent a hawkish stance, suggesting that desired objectives can be reclaimed in the positive outcome of another war.
August 30, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word bunyip
An imaginary monster inhabiting swamps and lagoons.
An imposter; a fake.
Wemba-wemba (Aboriginal language of southeast Australia) banib
August 21, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word karst
An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns.
August 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word aeruginous
bluish-green, like copper rust
Etymology: L aeruginosus < aerugo < aes, copper: see ore
August 10, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word metallage
a word or phrase treated as an object within another expression. "A lady's 'verily' is as potent as a lord's." -- William Shakespeare.
August 4, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word anacoluthon
Had ye been there — for what could that have done? (John Milton in Lycidas)
August 4, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word supervene
Philosophy To be dependent on a set of facts or properties in such a way that change can occur only after change has occurred in those facts or properties.
July 29, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word overset
o⋅ver⋅set v. oh-ver-set; n. oh-ver-set Show IPA verb, -set, -set⋅ting, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to upset or overturn; overthrow.
2. to throw into confusion; disorder physically or mentally.
–verb (used without object)
3. to become upset, overturned, or overthrown.
4. Printing.
a. (of type or copy) to set in or to excess.
b. (of space) to set too much type for.
5. the act or fact of oversetting; upset; overturn.
6. Also called overmatter. Printing. matter set up in excess of space.
July 16, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word phatic
denoting speech used to express or create an atmosphere of shared feelings, goodwill, or sociability rather than to impart information: phatic communion.
July 14, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word engouement
an infatuation, an irrational liking for something
1973: Their rulers, politicians, revolutions set apart, and this horrible engouement for Bonaparte. — Patrick O'Brian, HMS Surprise
July 14, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word holt
–noun Archaic.
1. a wood or grove.
2. a wooded hill.
July 12, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word bolthole
1. a hole in the ground, protected opening in bushes, etc., into which an animal can flee when pursued or frightened.
2. a place or avenue of escape or refuge: The remote mountain village was a safe bolt-hole for refugees during the war.
July 8, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word kreplach
–noun (used with a singular or plural verb)
Jewish Cookery. turnovers or pockets of noodle dough filled with any of several mixtures, as kasha or chopped chicken livers, usually boiled, and served in soup.
July 3, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word lamellate
1. composed of or having lamellae.
2. flat; platelike.
July 3, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word ascidium
–noun, plural -cid⋅i⋅a -sid-ee-uh Show IPA . Botany, Mycology.
a baglike or pitcherlike part.
July 3, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word bated breath
No, do not see "baited" breath. One does not bait one's breath, though I suppose there are those whose breath suggests they have. One "bates" one's breath, as in "abate", or stay, or suspend.
July 3, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word hyle
"In philosophy, hyle (�?λη) (pronounced /ˈhaɪli/) refers to matter or stuff. It can also be the material cause underlying a change in Aristotelian philosophy. The Greeks originally had no word for matter in general, as opposed to raw material suitable for some specific purpose or other, so Aristotle adapted the word for "lumber" for this purpose. The idea that everything physical is made of the same basic substance holds up well under modern science, although it may be thought of more in terms of energy or matter/energy.1"
July 2, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word interpellate
From wikipedia:
Interpellation is a concept of Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser to describe the process by which ideology addresses the (abstract) pre-ideological individual thus effectively producing him or her as subject proper. Henceforth, Althusser goes against the classical definition of the subject as cause and substance: in other words, the situation always precedes the (individual or collective) subject, which precisely as subject is "always-already interpellated." Althusser's argument here strongly draws from Jacques Lacan's concept of the Mirror stage and reveals obvious parallels with the work of his former student Michel Foucault in its antihumanist insistence on the secondary status of the subject as mere effect of social relations and not vice versa. Interpellation specifically involves the moment and process of recognition of interaction with the ideology at hand.
June 23, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word ecchymose
Ec"chy*mose\, v. t. (Med.) To discolor by the production of an ecchymosis, or effusion of blood, beneath the skin; -- chiefly used in the passive form; as, the parts were much ecchymosed.
May 29, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word euchre
OED: trans. At euchre: To gain the advantage over (an adversary) by his failure to take three tricks: see the n. Hence transf. to outwit, ‘do’, ‘best’. Also, to euchre (a person) out of (a thing).
May 29, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word abreaction
the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it, e.g. bomb blasts; Abreaction of the Lord of the Night, 139
May 28, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word analepsis
In history, film, television and other media, a flashback (also called analepsis) is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened prior to the story’s primary sequence of events or to fill in crucial backstory. In the opposite direction, a flashforward (or prolepsis) reveals events that will occur in the future. The technique is used to create suspense in a story, or develop a character. In literature, internal analepsis is a flashback to an earlier point in the narrative; external analepsis is a flashback to before the narrative started.
May 28, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word uranographical
the branch of astronomy concerned with the description and mapping of the heavens, and esp. of the fixed stars.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word cantilena
a simple, lyric, melodic passage for voice or instrument.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word manchineel
a tropical American tree or shrub, Hippomane mancinella, of the spurge family, having a milky, highly caustic, poisonous sap.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word almeh
(in Egypt) a woman or girl who dances or sings professionally.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word sanjak
(in Turkey) one of the administrative districts into which a vilayet is divided.
1530–40; < Turk sancak district (lit., flag, standard)
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word palatals
1. Anatomy. of or pertaining to the palate.
2. Phonetics. articulated with the blade of the tongue held close to or touching the hard palate.
3. Phonetics. a palatal consonant.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word hetairae
noun, plural -tae⋅rae /-ˈtɪəri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation -teer-ee Show IPA .
1. a highly cultured courtesan or concubine, esp. in ancient Greece.
2. any woman who uses her beauty and charm to obtain wealth or social position.
May 20, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word ergastulum
A prison-like building on a large estate, used for housing slave workers (in quot. 1891, an urban prison for slaves).
May 19, 2009
cryptofascistbbq commented on the word peplums
pl -lums or -la a flared ruffle attached to the waist of a garment (Greek peplos shawl)
May 14, 2009