daddylawbucks commented on the user daddylawbucks
Please add PELLUCID to your words
August 8, 2014
daddylawbucks commented on the word mille fiori
"He preferred the brightness of bells,The mille fiori of vestments,The voice of centuriesOn the priestly gramophones."Wallace Stevens -- Winter Bells
January 4, 2014
Comments by daddylawbucks
daddylawbucks commented on the user daddylawbucks
Please add PELLUCID to your words
August 8, 2014
daddylawbucks commented on the word mille fiori
"He preferred the brightness of bells,
The mille fiori of vestments,
The voice of centuries
On the priestly gramophones."
Wallace Stevens -- Winter Bells
January 4, 2014