dancingsiamese commented on the word synchronicity
From Merriam-Webster.com !!
From syn·chro·nous
Pronunciation: \?si?-kr?-n?s, ?sin-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin synchronos, from Greek, from syn- + chronos time
Date: 1669
1: happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time
2: recurring or operating at exactly the same periods
July 15, 2009
Comments by dancingsiamese
dancingsiamese commented on the word synchronicity
From Merriam-Webster.com !!
From syn·chro·nous
Pronunciation: \?si?-kr?-n?s, ?sin-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin synchronos, from Greek, from syn- + chronos time
Date: 1669
1: happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time
2: recurring or operating at exactly the same periods
July 15, 2009