It can be obnoxious when eating in a restaurant, and a table near yours is filled with cachinnatory laughter. However, when you're part of it, it is great fun.
I don't think it matters that this word is entirely made up. It's made up, has a definition for something that has previously not ever had a word to describe it, and it is enough of a legend to have appeared here as well as many many other websites and references. Why shouldn't it become a word?
Comments by deliasailed
deliasailed commented on the word palindrome
delia sailed as sad elias ailed ;)
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word ignivomous
I do this one frequently before bed.
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word cachinnatory
It can be obnoxious when eating in a restaurant, and a table near yours is filled with cachinnatory laughter. However, when you're part of it, it is great fun.
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word yonic
This one needs to be used more, I think.
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word ingenuitive
This word is a word that I made up. It's a combination of innovative and ingenious.
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word masticate
I'll masticate your sausage.
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word razbliuto
I don't think it matters that this word is entirely made up. It's made up, has a definition for something that has previously not ever had a word to describe it, and it is enough of a legend to have appeared here as well as many many other websites and references. Why shouldn't it become a word?
June 30, 2008
deliasailed commented on the word walled up nuns and nuns walled in
this is many words, not just one word. disappointing.
June 30, 2008