This phrase is used quite a lot when speaking of tourism (the months in Spring & Autumn between high and low seasons), but it's so recent the etymological source (if there is one) can't be found, at least not in the few minutes I have before the boss notices I'm not actually working. I'm reasonably sure it has to do with borrowing the definition of "shoulder" as that sloping, intermediary zone between pavement and wilderness.
Comments by dion23
dion23 commented on the word shoulder season
This phrase is used quite a lot when speaking of tourism (the months in Spring & Autumn between high and low seasons), but it's so recent the etymological source (if there is one) can't be found, at least not in the few minutes I have before the boss notices I'm not actually working. I'm reasonably sure it has to do with borrowing the definition of "shoulder" as that sloping, intermediary zone between pavement and wilderness.
March 26, 2010